The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Iā€™ve noticed a nasty thing creeping in in some discourse, probably as a coping mechanism, that ā€œat least it only seems to affect older peopleā€. I find this worrying.

But what happens if we close our borders? Ireland is a 26 county state with over 200 border crossings. A hard border is the very thing we have been railing against for the last four years. We donā€™t control what happens between the North and Scotland. I donā€™t think itā€™s realistic to shut down the border between the 26 and 6 counties. But serious restrictions will likely have to be put in place on travel into and out of the island.

People are going to have to come to terms with public gatherings and sporting events being cancelled and that means European club football, the Euros and probably the All-Irelands. If that means Liverpool have to play in front of an empty stadium or not play at all, so be it.

Iā€™d be quite happy to have the knowledge that we won the league this year without the official recognition of mathematically clinching it in order to keep the hunger for next year, or perhaps 2021/22. Sure a mateā€™s girlfriend asked me and a fellow Liverpool supporter last night ā€œsure what will ye have to aim for when ye do win it?ā€

Itā€™s far better to possibly overreact than underreact.

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Cheltenham going ahead is mental and will prove to be very foolish in time I feel.


Its foolish every year.


2020, the year of lack of foresight.

How many people attended premier league games over the weekend?

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Why single out Cheltenham? There was 80000 in Old Trafford today and possibly even more in LIT Gaelic Grounds last night

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This and the parade are the 2 most insane decisions Iā€™ve possibly ever seen. It smacks of literally not giving a fuck. Money over people.

Iā€™ve said as much for nearly two weeks now. Itā€™s crazy.

Because it has a massive travelling contingent coming from Ireland and then returning? Sport should be played behind closed doors too.

Premier league games have people from all over the world at them.

Calling Paddys off would be a disaster for small business in every parish in the land. How will the businessā€™s pay their bills? How will their staff be paid? How will said staff then pay their extorniate rent? Do you think their better off on the streets than contracting a mild flu?

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Thats why i think they should be played behind closed doors, as i posted.

Itā€™d actually be a great time to trial UBI. You wonā€™t ever have better conditions to do so.

Football needs to be cancelled too. France and Italy have already moved to do it. The UK just seems to be living in denial.

Any form of border control would be preferable to whatā€™s happening now. And sporting events should be the least of peoples concerns

Ir doesnā€™t only affect elderly people but it has a magnitude higher risk of killing them

Itā€™s just bad flu calm down.

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As long as youā€™re focussed on the important stuff

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Older people are always at risk more than healthy middle aged people from stuff like the flu are they not.

Cancel away. Iā€™ve had my fun.

Everything needs to be cancelled. The rate of infection is in infinitely higher than what is reported because of the burden on health services and the lack of testing.

People are being far to laxidazyical about this