The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Not months then

Can we still go and get drunk on Paddy’s day does anyone know?

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Arent we against getting pissed on SPD here on TFK?

Yes by all means. It is your patriotic duty after all

I think I’ll go out the night of the 15th, 16th and a few quiet pints on the 17th. I have it all planned out.

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No loss. They are an awful balls of a thing.


We are in lockdown.

The chizzlers love em.

No loo roll in Dunnes in Corneslcourt

people must be shitting themselves

I doubt that. They are a pure torture.


@anon78624367 must have paid a visit

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One lady told my missus she was posting it to Australia to her son :joy::+1:

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I have a few rolls in the boot.

You’re a moving target now

my little one loved them for the first few years because we’d go to the atrium in the westin afterwards and shed get a hot chocolate. she hates them now, ive always hated the fucking things since i can remember being brought in to gorey in all weathers to watch a few yahoos on the back of a tractor. grrr