The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I drove past Trend Micro in Cork City today, around 120 people would normally work in there. The place is in SHUTDOWN! No-one in this two story building.

Shit just got real

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Did he? Ah sure his father in law is a pharmacist so that qualifies him

You throw the toys out of the pram at every turn so don’t preach to me about immaturity. I’m stating the reality of the situation at hand, this is the real world where these events will come around every so often and you have two types of responses to it every time, those who accept the situation knowing death figures could be significant but unavoidable until a vaccine is procured and take a reasoned and measured way to avoid contracting it.

The second group(this is significant to you) are the ones who create chaos through instant hysteria and panic, falling over themselves to grab the last hand sanitizer on the shelf prompting greed, selfishness and fear. Now in your head i’m the selfish one and fear is a good thing! I will take option A and logical reasoning while somewhere down the line you or one of your ilk will in the strangest of all ironies trample some auld lad to death as you race for the last box of kleenex.


But Tony Holohan is not saying that though is he?

Stop it. Your up there throwing tantrums decrying wont someone think of the poor old folk especially mine because they had it so tough. Like you’re the only one who gives a fuck about the elderly, newsflash you’re not. Your like a teenage girl crying for attention on Instagram, your hysteria helps no one

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You’re projecting response 2 on to me because I don’t want people to die unnecessarily. All I’ve done is make the conscious decision not to travel, asked for temporary restrictions to slow down the infection rate and give the health services a chance.

You seem willing to accept unnecessary deaths for you’re own greed. Forever the general eh.

Its easy spot the lads who have no one to worry about or noone who worries about them

Happened a bird from my office on the weekend. Flight to Israel cancelled.

He’s no Tom Condon that’s for sure. Imagine if it was him under that dropping ball in 2018?

Self-righteous and hysterical at the same time. Gas cunt.

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Not sure if this juvenile responce is a natural consequence of your woe is me panic mindset or you’re just a bit of a simpleton

My own greed? OK pal now you are just getting confused and firing off nonsense.



Some people aren’t good in a crisis. The rest of us will keep this thing rolling along and over them if necessary.

Were you saying that at the time?

is @Dziekanowski gone into self isolation without the key board?

I’ve been saying for weeks that things like Cheltenham should be cancelled.

Nonsense isnt asking for an appropriate response to help slow down the infection rate so there aren’t unnecessary deaths.

Nonsense is saying, let it run its course, it’ll only kill the old and weak.

That’s literally what you’re arguing for here. I’d call that greedy.