The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

DUB is eerily quiet this evening.

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Good press conference in fairness. Plain speaking from them. Big few weeks ahead for society at large.

Any mention of current count? Seems to be talk of everything else but actual confirmed numbers.

Thereā€™s a big few weeks behind them and they blew it.

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Of course, you know better.


It was in a better place but they fucked it up.

Itā€™s all about reducing the growth rate per day as much as possible. Hand washing and social distancing are key.

I saw this morning that South Koreaā€™s growth rate has reduced which is encouraging.

Inflection rate inflection rate inflection rate!

Heā€™s just copy and pasting the Twitter moans at this stage.

Everyone on tfk should be ok so!

Says the king of misleading stats. You were on blaming the poor for clogging up A&E earlier.

Weā€™ll bate it if we ate it ?

Theres a witty slogan in there somewhere, you can have first preference on any application of copyright.

Its grand sure, let it run its course

3 seems good. All connected cases to cases they know about.

Not good. They are not testing nearly enough.

Yip, it looks like the extra week of awareness that we had has given us a chance to get procedures put in place to limit the spread. The HSE to be fair seem to have been reasonably proactive and perhaps we can stave off a huge surge in cases.

The backlog in the labs is a bigger issue than the amount of tests being carried out Iā€™d imagineā€¦