The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Lets hope so.

The figure does however run in correlation with the exponential growth theory thatā€™s circulating i.e. multiplier of between 1.15 -1.20

Well over 1k tests which stacks up quite well to our peers I believe.

I read today that the UK had 1.2% positive out of 23k tests versus 8.7% for the same number tested in Italy a few days ago.

Hopefully weā€™re at a similar level as the UK and it can be controlled for bit longer at least.

They could use Treblinka as the quarantine center
in other news israel has stated that any person entering the country will need to go into quarantine for 14 days
they are essentially shutting down Ben Gurion

We simply wont know how to react if it turns out the authorities have handled this well.
It will be black and white too as we can just compare death per head of pop to other countries.
When was the last time the country as a whole was seen to have dealt with something well? The Emergency?

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If that gets reduced globally to 1.05 there will be 500k cases in 60 days. If it stays at 1.2 there will be 150 million cases in 60 days. Amazing.

Yeah, lets hope for the ā€œTracker Mortgageā€ version of events to ensue.



Ireland are two weeks away from that.

We probably are based on trends elsewhere.

You told us weā€™d have 50 million dead by now

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Its in Galway, just got word from a chemist

The announcement in Italy spells out the restriction of movement of more than 60 million people.

The decree provides for banning all public events, closing cinemas, theatres, gyms, discos and pubs, funerals, weddings and all sport events, including Serie A matches. All schools and universities will remain close until 3 April

The Italians seem to have made an awful balls of it though. The Germans had the first case in Europe and they are only on a thousand now. Hopefully with decent management we can follow their trajectory rather than the Italians. Germans have only had two deaths as well so far which is remarkable.

A lot of countries showing big upticks from small numbers the last couple of days. Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands all only a few days away from being out of control now unless they can sort it.

Italy, Spain and Iran all seem to out of control and multiplying rapidly. I think the US is fucked as well, they just seem to be in denial

On the other hand China and South Korea seem to have gotten on top of it, for the time being at least

If you take Hubei out of it, China hasnā€™t fared too badly?

Itā€™s a big if, but IF you believe their numbers the Chinese have had less infections per head of population than South Korea, Iran and Italy.

Italy overtook South Korea today as the worst country in the World per head of population


About 90% of deaths in Italy are 70 or older

Letā€™s go guys

#FlattenTheCurve #TeamOfUs


Iā€™ll be happy to be proved wrong on that