The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

About 13% of our population are over 65. Around 700k

Can somebody Ladybird this for me. Why has Italy been so badly affected?

I think it went through a few nursing homes

The whole world was skiing there for the mid-term.

It entered/infected the Health system so became a bit of a perpetual motion machine for want of a better phrase/anecdote.

Nobody is too sure but some theories

  • thereā€™s a lot of Chinese workers
  • it was in Italy from mid January and quite significantly more so than originally feared. The number of fatalities a few weeks ago indicate that
  • people (society at large and not the government necessary) didnā€™t take it seriously enough and early enough. A nation of huggers and kissers with that is a recipe for disaster
  • they had an unlucky opening cluster of cases in a hospital and amongst the elderly

They initially refused to acknowledge they had it. One of the first patients to die from it was in and out 3 or 4 times before they tested him for it as they refused to believe it was possible he had it because he hadnā€™t been to China

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How long did it take them to close down travel etc?

Egypt is gone as well

To be fair to them, by the time they realised they had a problem it was already too late.

They closed it down from China early doors but the significant quarantines only started a couple of weeks ago when the place likely already has several hundred - couple of thousand cases I reckon.

How far away are we from it being too late do you reckon?

Is the Chinese worker thing grounded in fact?

Just sent a staff member home with flu-like symptomsā€¦

Too late for what?

It canā€™t be stopped, but we arenā€™t too late to slow it significantly.

Itā€™s largely out of our hands though. If itā€™s running riot in Europe and the US weā€™ve no hope

Would have been better if you could have sent them home without them


Large Chinese population in the textiles industry.

As usual Iā€™ve been given no procedure on how to proceed. It would appear her flu is more the ā€œnormalā€ flu. She hasnā€™t been coughing or struggling to breathe so hopefully all is good.

There are 290k Chinese workers. Almost entirely in the Northern half of the country. No immigrants seem to go south.

Insignificant in the overall scheme of things. But obviously it only takes one or two

It spreads worse in opera houses

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