The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I looked it up there. 7 cases in the Russian Federation.

Am I a marked man, again?

Go and eat some sushi there for yourself there like a good lad

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Do any of you work closely with the public in a day to day business… Princess is freaked and thinking of shutting up shop. I’m telling her to take it day by day but she’s a breadt feeding mother and there’s only one instinct talking to her.

Professor Russell Viner, President of The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said:

“The situation is now developing very quickly and this guidance is based on a thorough review of the evidence – limited though that is. Based on current evidence, we don’t believe that babies born to women who test positive for coronavirus should be separated. The impact of this separation, even as a precaution, can be significant on both the baby and the mother. We will review this recommendation as we see more evidence in the weeks and months ahead. There is also limited evidence about the transmission of coronavirus through breastmilk – and based on what we know now, we feel the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh any potential risks.”

Shur there’s no talking to her.

Men and women be wired different anyway… Day by day I keep telling her.

What precautions are forumites taking beyond hand washing? Tho id says there’s a few lads here who rarely wash their hands and wont be starting now.

I have the young lads taking zinc and have vitamin D3 on the way. Wiping down phones etc. hand washing.

I bought a pulse oximeter to start using now to get a baseline of blood oxygen levels. Pal of mine had pneumonia recently and he said that is the thing to watch if any respiratory illness. If it goes below 92 or so you’re in bother and need a hospital. Can get ones for babies too I think

She could ask customers who have been away not to come in for 14 days and not to come in if any symptoms and no cancellation fee

I’d say we’re a week or ten days away from a sizeable minority of people starting to adjust their lives and avoiding contact where possible, not going out to bars and restaurants, avoiding gyms, cinemas etc

Got her to send a text to everyone tonight and it was well received… Two rock up this morning to get their nails done for their dads funeral…been sick a little while…where do you think tbey were the last few days and never said??? CUH… Granted they’re dealing with death, but people just don’t think beyond themselves in these situations. I hope at the end of this some of our humanity is restored.


My wan is in the same trade, except she’s dealing with Limerick gowls and they do be filthy, I’ll just have to hose her down when she wants to come to Clare


That’s why I moved to Cork initially.

Effective immediately, I will not be pressing any lift buttons with my fingers.

Despite making a few pound on this going ahead, in all reality it should be canned. It’ll be interesting to see the impact once the incubation period has elapsed. Especially when you have a confirmed case in Cheltenham.

There’s already been a confirmed case in Cheltenham the other day. A bit of me is Very worried about racing. I love racing from the breding side of things to the betting side of things and everything in between. I dream of owning a stud and having mares in my own name but I just feel this could be awful for the game. The government and the bha have been at loggerheads for years now. It just seems odd to me. The whole thing. I wonder will this be held against racing.

Coachella on the cusp of getting canned.

Postponed to October apparently.

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Just reading a few accounts there from health care workers in Italy… it’s like a war zone. Hospitals operating at 200% , They’e fallen asunder. It’s the big fear for here, not the virus itself for most of us.