The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You’d really begin to notice the dirty cunts at work who pick their nose and bite their nails since this outbreak started. My guess is that they are from Clare or Mayo

Please tell me you are joking.

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My take on it is you’re as well get it now whilst theres still a hospital bed.


It’s very easy to slag off Italy from the cheap seats. Pisses me off tbh.

Good to see a maternal health specialist is now a public health specialist.

I suspect if she was on Claire Byrne Live and a selection of the Public Health Doctors were explaining to her how best to treat mother’s Day to day she’d be fairly quick to tell them to stay in their lane.

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I’d never heard of this lady - but I thought she was excessive last night - The virus is here and we’ll hit a peak stage at some point but she seemed to be more interested in scaremongering … but then you hear the measure that China had to take and you’d wonder is she right and should we be more aggressive right now.

I’ve been mugged off here good and proper. I hung on every word she said as she’s relatively hot for her age.

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I suspect the reality at this stage is the HSE/Gov/Public Health experts know that keeping it out of Ireland is almost impossible at this stage short of shutting down all travel in and out of the country for 6 months. As the rest of Europe/The World would have it then who knows how long that would be required to go on for and it simply isn’t doable as part of the EU, etc etc. This isn’t “profit before people” or any of the hot-takes that lefty twitter types are furiously pushing out (cc Emmet Kirwan et al) - just the reality that we are an interconnected society and economy and that we’d almost do more damage by shutting up shop indefinitely.

They’ve moved to the stage where they know a significant proportion of the population will be infected and they just need to flatten the curve on that as much as possible. When they do pull the trigger on Italian style shut-down it can only be sustained for a relatively short period of time so there is little benefit in doing it early.

There are no easy or right choices here. There is no choices that Ireland can make unilaterally. There is no calvary riding over the hill in the form of a cure or vaccine. Probably the only way this gets resolved is “herd immunity” i.e. so many have been infected that transmission slows down as there is less and less new people to transfer it to. People will die. It will be an unprecedented situation and one we struggle to comprehend.

Doctors like this lady are the equivalent of populist politicians pushing silver-bullet easy-solutions when it is way more complicated than that and of course the usual suspects lap it up.


My Missus is a GP and the whatsapp’s are hopping between the front-line doctors. There is a serious recognition now that this is a big one.

I’m not sure whether you can do that much above the obvious hand-washing etc. In terms of other things though we sat down last night and drew up a list of medicines to make sure we’re stocked up on (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen - liquid and solid for adults kids etc), Dioralyte i.e. stuff that you’d treat a fever or cold with normally. Probably keep the presses full too - food won’t run out but at some point you mightn’t want to go to 5 shops to get it. I’ll keep the car topped up on fuel and maybe have a couple of hundred euro cash in the house.

I don’t know if any of these will be needed but by the time they might be it would be annoying to think they could have been got.


Super post

Agree re lockdown — we might get 3-4 weeks max out of it so it’s a balancing game , when do you pull the trigger to get the max out of it.

How come psg v Dortmund is going ahead?

Capitalism bro. To be encouraged.

How the fcuk are we letting people travel to Cheltenham. It’s going to destroy the country when those irresponsible racegoers come back. It amounts to treason

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Let them travel. But send them to the Curragh Camp for 2 weeks when they get back. They’ll be right at home there.


How many confirmed cases do we have in Ireland now?


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Are we allowed put them down if they are infected.

At the first sign of a sneeze.