The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Burn them.

The common cold is responsible for way more deaths than corona. Why no hysteria over that? Are you a disease snob or what?

Shot them

You would be on a slippery slope if you left teenage skiers to fend for themselves for a few weeks.


Youā€™re a week late with all that.

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One of these came home with a dislocated shoulder :see_no_evil:

You should be supportive rather than critical here.

Dunnes was a joke last nightā€¦ Panic buying. No toilet paper, no household sanitizing sprays, no hand wash, nappies, paracetamol, pastaā€¦ Tinned goods all very low.

Good to seeing youā€™re planning for beyond toilet paper.

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I urged you last week to get ahead of thisā€¦ Weā€™ve 4 bottles of calpol and a load of nappies and baby wipes inā€¦further to paracetamol and vit C.

You gotta do what you gotta do bro.

There was a wan in Tesco in front of me the other night with at least 20 boxes of tissues in her trolley.

Iā€™m just worry my craft beer supply will run out

She may work in a brothel.

I canā€™t believe that you are slagging off trafficked sex workers.

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this is one strain of one virus that has killed over 4k people in three months, this is despite a concerted effort to contain it.
Italy is up at 463 deaths from 9000 confirmed cases and not slowing down.

if no action was taken, the replication rate is so aggressive that every human being on the planet would get it and at least 3-4% of the population would be wiped out.

If she does then thereā€™s some serious fucking deviants out there.

But then again there are, so actually, itā€™s quite possible.

You watch too much tv mate

The Apple plant in Cork City has fallenā€¦!

Comparing the common cold to this is a bit of a stretch.

these are confirmed cases. the replication rate and death rate are all measurable and are all terrifying.
youā€™re listening to too many idiots.

this isnā€™t hysteria, this is reallity