The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

In fairness thereā€™s fuck all point on us shutting down unless its coordinated with the rest of Europe (and the UK). Hopefully that will now be coordinated and the weekend will see the closing down of the schools - unis - sporting events from then for a month.

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When so many peopleā€™s lives are at risk and when we see what has happened in Italy and China then I donā€™t think there can be an over-reaction.

they are going to have to shut it down for as long as it takes anyway, at some stageā€¦

why not do it earlier and try get it contained? Why wait until there are 1000ā€™s of cases and the health service is down?

we are a small island, we had the opportunity to contain it early and didnā€™t. Simple as that.

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Thankfully itā€™s only humans and not cows who are affected by this. Phew.

Someone needs to tell Bumbles to ease off so

Temporary communism

Travel restrictions should have been put in place for northern Italy. Hardly a draconian measures unless you place your skiing holiday above elderly peoples health in your list of priorities, which it seems it would be for a few on this board.

Lot of upcoming tragedies for affected families who wonā€™t be able to visit sick parents, grandparents etc.

Iā€™m hopeful weā€™ll see some kind of silver lining and perhaps a renewed sense of community, civic duty and meitheal in people who are under all of it mostly fundamentally decent.


careful youā€™ll be called a fanny and screaming mary for wanting to prevent a few deaths

Iā€™m going to buy some Calpol, Nurofen, Caldescene and other medical supplies at lunchtime to be ready for a complete shut down, and with my childā€™s health in mind. Thank you for the heads up @tallback.

I think Iā€™m erring on the side of outright panic at this stage.

I met a fella this morning who was crippled with a limp, he was telling me he gets a pain injection every few months up in the CUH and was due it last week but hasnā€™t been able to get it because of the Virus.

The ā€œIā€™m alright Jackā€ types are terrors for name-calling when thereā€™s a couple of euro at stake.

that is what it boils down to, unfortunately

The problem is you canā€™t contain it mate. Say we shut down everything and get the cases under control. What then? We stay shut off from the rest of the World indefinitely until a vaccine is produced?
Or we reopen and shut down every time a new case comes in?

There are complicated implications to a shut down beyond the obvious monetary ones.

Say a family has a doctor and nurse husband and wife (or a coppers pairing of a Guard and a nurse etc etc etc) and you shutdown schools. Whoā€™ll mind their kids? Will one of them have to take time off work? But they canā€™t?

Say we stop all flights, what do we do with the presumably 100 thousand tourists who are in the country at the moment who donā€™t actually live here? Congrats lads ye are staying with us for the next 6 months and vice versa with Irish people abroad, ye can stay where ye are now and best of luck with it.

If you shutdown ferries how do we get food, medicine etc in and out? Okay Ferries are allowed, what about the truck drivers? Do we quarantine them for two weeks every time they come back? Who drives the trucks then?

Etc etc etc

All we can do is delay it, and we should absolutely try and do that, but itā€™s a balancing act.


taiwan are 86 miles from China and have done alright

What would you have done with all the kids on school skiing trips outside in Italy?

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the only balancing act to me seems to be how many deaths they deem acceptable before they lose money

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