The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Coronavirus disease named Covid-19

“We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the disease,” the WHO chief said.

Should’ve called it The Wuhan Clan the lousy Cunts

Planet Earth strikes back

Apparently IV fluids are pointless as it’s respiratory support you’d need
In summary many of us may be fucked

I’m goosed so I’ve a preexisting lung ailment

Darren of Plymouth seems a reliable source.

Infection rates outside of Hubei have dropped for 7 days in a row. It’s time to just nuke Hubei and move on.

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Theres a few videos floating around of them welding people into apartments. Scary stuff

Could they be sealing up buildings that have been evacuated?

You cannot believe anything on social media.

Sure that could be anything. They are probably welding infected buildings shut so people don’t go back in. You can’t weld people into a building ffs. What’s to stop them getting out somehow when they go away?

If you google the claim it’s only reported on far right websites. It’s got fake news written all over it.

Now if you told me they were rounding up the sick and locking them up somewhere I’d say possibly, but locking them up where they are makes no sense

Death toll rises to 1,112
Total confirmed cases: 44,754

Are the 40+k cured or waiting to die?

figures are double that.

Death toll is 25× that

:biohazard: . Question is who will gain from this? Big pharma

Would you say it’s time to crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside?


That’s mad stuff.

Website here tracking cases worldwide, a quick flick through would suggest that while there have been cases in countries outside China, there have been very few deaths.

The “Cases by date of report” graph too, if correct, is encouraging as it’s slowing down in spread rather than increasing.

Maybe that is what ‘they’ are testing… the reaction to such a fall out …

But hey, when is it not a good time for a purge :smiley:. Might morally sit better with people since movies have came out on the bigscreen with similar plots.

That’s assuming you believe Chinese figures, but the rate of deaths outside of china where, we presumably can rely on figures, seems very low.


To be fair to the Chinese, I’d say their draconian methods have limited the spread, potentially at the cost to their own citizens