The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

If they’re not reporting cases which test positive but without symptoms it would suggest its more contagious but with a lower fatality rate?

Maybe. There’s up to a 14 day incubation period so it’s also possible some people are carrying the virus but not getting sick?

Which would mean the fatality rate of 2% or so is over-estimated?

Possibly. The infected number is those that are confirmed sick, so the most recent numbers (today) suggest a 2.4% mortality rate of those that are sick.

It’s mainly the old that are dying from it, tho not exclusively— FFG will have to do everything in their power to keep it out of Ireland.

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No different to regular flu so. Its killing people with underlying health issues.

The WHO keep trying to push the hysteria

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Are people surviving Only with hospital treatment

Super Spreader :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@Big_Dan_Campbell you better get yourself checked

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He was a Typhoid Mary so.

The named the poor bastard for the whole nation to hear … if the virus doesnt get him the national front will.

“Superspreader” sounds like the hottest toy for contractors in 2020.


Health secretary: “The situation will get worse before it gets better"

Health secretary Matt Hancock has been giving a statement to parliament on the new powers the government has given itself to allow them to force people into quarantine if they suspect they have coronavirus.

Brexit = taking powers similar to PRC

As I understand it, it’s the ease of spread which is the concern. It’s an extremely robust virus that can live for days stuck to things like handles on buses etc. If/when a virus with this ability to survive and spread, but with a higher mortality rate (like sars) emerges, there would/will be potentially a huge number of deaths as even basic support services are overwhelmed.

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Except with a genius like matt Hancock at the helm.
Dear me.

These fuckers need to stop eating bats and we’ll be grand.

It’s the numbers that need hospitalization that’s the biggest worry, which I think about 15% of cases.


I wonder genuinely is it time to buy in a few IV lines and some bags of fluid.

I wouldn’t go near a hospital anyway, lots of health care workers getting infected in China.