The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Is he a virologist?

I’ve noticed a lot more of those Tesco vans on the roads in the last week.

2313 new cases in Italy

Welcome to Laois mate

Over 100 cases now in Canada…

Italy had 3 (three) recorded cases as late as February 19th, which is exactly three weeks ago. To jog the memory, February 19th was the night Red Bull Leipzig beat Tottenham 1-0 at White Hart Lane.

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Get your hands on Tocilizumab.

Trump loves Russia so much he’s decided to model his response to the Coronavirus on the Soviet response to Chernobyl.

But no doubt there will be people here who’ll tell us that a cover up is just what’s needed. :smile:

9 new cases in Ireland


None from the community.

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Italy are operating a war time style triage strategy at the moment apparently. If you are over 60 they won’t even waste their time treating you.
Like the scene is saving private Ryan where the fella is putting x’s on lads heads if they won’t survive.
Scary stuff

how many cases require hospitalization and urgent care?

Get the fuck in.


Around 20% they reckon. They don’t have near enough ventilators apparently

Heard an Italian doctor describe now they basically have to decide who lives and dies by the number of ventilators available

we’re a week or two out from this…

Probably not even that when those cunts come home from Cheltenham.


they’ll be another week or two behind that again


The WHO’s Michael Ryan said that some countries’ diagnostic testing algorithms only test a small number of suspected cases, adding that this “isn’t the way forward.”

He said there were countries that only test those who are fully symptomatic, over a certain age or still linked testing to travel to China.

“Surveillance systems have to improve,” he said. Ryan added that some countries are not communicating well and were creating confusion in their population.

“[I] don’t think anyone is scoring 100 percent,” he said.