The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They must be shitting themselves

Make no mistake, they’ll be wiped out.

Cheeky fuckers

They’re on a roll.

Have they no empathy for the plyght of their fellow countrymen?

They dont give a shit about them

Watch these spiteful animals

Any Simpsons geek knows the answer to this one.

Old Kim Jong Un knows how the handle this

Spare a thought for the poor cunts trapped on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, 454 infected now as clearly the quarantine efforts have failed. The NIH acknowledged this today when they recommended flying all American passengers back to a quarantine facility in Omaha (as if things couldn’t get any worse). Even with the quarantine conditions on the ship, the virus still transmitted.

My wife only had one request / demand when she said yes: “Don’t ever ask me to go on a cruise”. Nothing to do with water or drowning, being cooped up with many hundreds or thousands of other humans for a week or two just seems high risk behavior. It’s taken a few decades but I’m finally inclined to agree with her.

1,873 dead and 73,334 cases
So it’s still maintaining a consistent rate of 2,000 new cases, 100 dead per day.

1,789 of the 1,873 deaths in Hubei. The other statistic that’s staying constant, most infections and almost all the deaths are in Hubei. Containment seems to be working.

Saw this sign in Boots in Cork yesterday.

You’d want your head examined to go on a cruise ship at the minute. When this thing finishes up there’ll be some great deals on them though


There’s Irish persons on one of them there ships — the Irish rangers are being sent to get them.

Are they the lads that brought Lisa Smith home from captivity?

This is serious.

We’ve 75.3 million days to get our act together or we are goosed.

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