The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

These lads will go mad at that.

No. That was Shane Ross.

I thought it was Aer Lingus.

Boys, if you haven’t got your supply you may go and get the grave lined.

@anon7035031 This article is from February 2017.

A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. The move is part of a plan to build between five and seven biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025, and has generated much excitement, as well as some concerns.

Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the addition of a biological dimension to geopolitical tensions between China and other nations. But Chinese microbiologists are celebrating their entrance to the elite cadre empowered to wrestle with the world’s greatest biological threats.

Luck it was not smallpox that escaped.

Handy that they’ve a lab there already to deal with it

The plot thickens.

There’s a conspiracy theory floating around that the virus is man made, a bioweapon that escaped from the lab. That was based on some pretend Indian scientists (pretend scientists, real Indians) that claimed they studied the genome of the virus and it had segments of the HIV virus. They wrote a paper which was hastily withdrawn when it was pointed out it was horseshit.

So, I’d say it’s almost certainly not a bioweapon, but it’s plausible that it’s a mutated strain of a coronavirus that escaped from the lab. The most likely explanation is it came from an animal like SARS and MERs.

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There was a good one doing the rounds the other day that the virus was unleashed to stop the protesters in Hong Kong, it wasn’t immediately clear why they released it in Huwan and not HK mind.

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@anon61878697 Can you account for the whereabouts of all tribe members?

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Huwan is a new one, is that a novel combination of Wuhan and Hunan?

A combo of Huawei and Wuhan

This cruise ship looks like it’s a corona virus factory. They’ll have to sink it to the bottom of the Ocean after this. It doesn’t sound like much of quarantine anyway. Certainly not to the other people on the ship.

Like a 70’s disaster movie at this stage…

The last day of the quarantine period is tomorrow, 88 more cases of it overnight.

Goes to show how much of your freedom and human rights are in reality finely balanced and can be taken away, due to no wrong doing on your part, if deemed to be for the greater good.

…and not just in China. I think that ship tried to dock in 5 different countries and they were told to fuck off.

They are on the ship aren’t they?