The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

leo is making a ā€œmajorā€ announcement at 11am re; coronavirus

where did you see that?

Frank Murphy

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I cant believe he went ahead and travelled over - he should be setting an example not off on a jolly.

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They will have it live here, no sign of him yet though

Ireland is still open for bidness

Some fella sticking a hanger into the Irish flag here to try and get it to stay out :joy:


Guy at the Washington podium with a coat hanger trying to attach it to the tricolour here to straighten it out a bit. Unprecedented scenes and times.

Itā€™s funny how in a few weeks peopleā€™s attitudes change so quickly. Good few Sinn Fein voters on here basically said last month to screw the elderly as they they only vote for FFG. Now itā€™s criticism for the government for not protecting the most vulnerable.

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Great to have Dobbo back in the chair for a critical announcement like this.

A real pro.


Please introduce some extra padding around the post boxes so we can maintain some social distance. Iā€™m recommending an additional 100px on top of the existing framework.

.topic-body {
width: calc(760px + (11px * 2));
padding: 12px 0px 100px 10px;



China should be nuked after this.

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A ban on bat eating.

Last Saturday you mean?


It will be bedlam this weekendā€¦ absolute carnage.

Was knocking around lovely Athy on Sunday and it was a town blissfully unaware.
Similarly Newbridge during the week.

Itā€™ll be some carnage this weekend. :smiley:

Does alcohol kill this virus? Iā€™ve a wedding on Saturday.

I have Tesco, SuperValu, Centra and Dunnes delivering later today.

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