The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Were you over at Cheltenham, pal?

Home since last night. There wasn’t a care in The world about it over there. Great place great people.


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Stay away from the public so for at least 2 weeks.

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If you’re flying from Ireland “you’re grand obviously” says this lady on SOR.

Yeah, no risk of any changes while you are there leaving you stranded.

Feeder routes via Dublin she says. Yeah they won’t ask where your journey originated when you produce the French passport :man_shrugging:t2:

Of course it is. He wants somebody to bite on the back from Cheltenham risk too

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I’ll be on logistics and hopefully getting one of those supermarkets to take us on as their delivery services will be under savage pressure. I’m also not insured to drive the van.

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Answers on a postcard

This mindset is mental and most people have it…

It’s a very strange time indeed …

The mrs is in serious turmoil about shutting up - Her business is attached to the gaff so the public are more or less coming in to our home. There will be no payments from the state if she shuts of her own accord so you’re trying to weigh up health vs income to live — all the advice is no close contact with people but how many jobs directly rely on close contact? - She text all clients a few days ago saying if youre unwell or been in contact with anyone unwell etc. etc — but like I said, 2 ladies rocked up the following morning and disclosed they had been in CUH for 3 nights with their sick father — one of them said, shur if you get it you get it — that’s the mindset again right there. In fairness, a few cancelled appointments because their kids were unwell with probably just run of the mill illness, but that’s just a bit of common sense and decency

Very strange times indeed - and all the flaws of humanity can be witnessed currently.

It’s fascinating to watch as the man says.


Mickey D

Anyone who hasn’t Saturday set aside to stockpile food is at nothing.

Are you serious?

Herself is ordering them to wash their hands on arrival and then spraying on hand sanitizer

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Iran and Italy are running at far higher rates than China at the peak.

Saturday? Seems a bit overconfident.

100%. The time for panic is here.

The time for panic was 10 days ago. You’ll be lucky to find a Pot Noodle come Saturday. Your poor family.

Panic is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you think other people are going to panic, you believe its prudent to get in ahead of the panic. You believe you’re not panicking, that others are. But you are. And yet you’re not, because panicking is the only prudent reaction.

We have entered a pyramid scheme of survival.

Cormac MacCarthy’s “The Road” doesn’t seem so far fetched now.

I’m heading out now. It could get feral later