The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I’ve @anon60384913 delivering today.


the beauty about LOI is we dont get 500 people thru the gate at the best of times
drive on to fuck

What does this mean for supermarkets? Do they have to limit the number of people inside at any one time?

That’s the Corkies for you Mike

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The first division matches would struggle to get 500 people, joking aside.

Did Varadkar mention anything about status of cleaners? Mine is due tomorrow morning for 3 hours.


i presume its similar to any in call transaction?
its a private agreement between two consenting adults

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I’ve suspended our cleaners indefinitely. I suggest all TFKers do likewise.

Yes, he mentioned to stop being such a tight fucker and give her a pay rise

You’d want your head examined to be using a cleaner who uses their own equipment.

The crèche said to the missus last night if they’ve to close for a period they won’t be opening up again. FML

Our housekeeper is coming in but the gardener is staying away. I’m moving the tv into the drawing room.

there was some deranged lad on TV3 last night masquerading as a disease expert who told yatesy schools will close till spetember

National football league suspended you’d think. I know it’s a bit of a sly one but it might mean Leitrim retaining D3 status. Not huge in the global sense but… I’ll take it.

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People are dying mate that’s irrelevant.

I have said on here a number of times, the Chinese numbers were false.

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He was right.

I have a very hysterical mammy on the line…does anyone know if bingo in Clones tomorrow night is still on?

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Have you no sense of humour or is it always about you… Fkn Grrrrrr…

There’s absolutely zero reason to doubt the Chinese numbers.