The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

he did but his delivery was statemanlike
it was a vast difference to the time he met the pope and was a disgrace , it was one of these ronan o gara hands in pockets meeting the queen moments
obviously the thing is written for him but there was a degree of leadership exhibited there that one could say has been lacking during his tenure

Maybe… The call to close schools was made Monday tho so they were clearly tidying up things first so it may not be.

It could be argued he is two weeks too late.

Hello @Julio_Geordio - I have been fully vetted by the moderating team here over a 12 hour period.

Are you one of the Brady’s from Cavan?

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Only one - Choco’s

I thought he did well now to be fair to him and I’m not a fan of the smug cunt. It was concise and to the point and touched on everything without going overboard either


Defcon 1 has been initiated.

it could , and of course it could be deemed premature depending on one’s outlook
but there was leadership there and that’s something to be noted…

Yes there was. From Washington. But the call needed to be made and it was done.

The cheltenham question was asked and swerved

Dan it might be worth looking at getting a small one in smyths… Bought one for a friend of mine who’s young lad has autism and doesn’t like crowds. Best thing ever for him… About 140 bucks


More lies


Pubs - more than 100 people not allowed

Take that you super pub cunts

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Will this be enforced I wonder

It will in my bollix

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We should burn down any offenders.

NZ have put ALL people entering the country into isolation for 14 days — no new cases in a week. It’s crazy that they are not telling people who have been at Cheltenham to do they same. I know you cant police it but you’d hope the majority would act responsibly.

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