The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Sorry @croppy_boy

The panic-buying in the Lidl beside work is borderline obscene. Queues down all the aisles for checkouts. People donā€™t even really know what they want - just feel they should buy something. Ironically thereā€™s stack loads of bog-roll now.

Thereā€™s toilet roll manufacturers somewhere doing a years worth of business the last few days. They wonā€™t sell a roll for 6 months after itā€™s finished though

Wiping your arse will be a serious display of wealth in a few weeks


We can always just wash our arses. Like them Europeans do

Turn one designated sink into a bidet, or else reappropriate the outside tap and garden hose

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India has barred the entry of all foreign tourists for one month starting tomorrow in a bid to contain the coronavirus.

The ban on foreign visitors includes foreign nationals of Indian origin. Only diplomats, officials and members of international organisations such as the UN are exempt.

All travellers arriving from, or having visited, Italy, Iran, China, south Korea, France, Spain and Germany after 5 February will be quarantined for 14 days.

The move to heighten restrictions came as the number of infected persons rose to 73.

Last week, India suspended visas to nationals from China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, and Japan but set no restriction on travellers from other countries such as Germany and France which have hundreds of confirmed cases.

Indians who were planning holidays abroad or planning to meet children studying overseas will have to cancel their plans. The government has told Indians to avoid all non-essential travel abroad.

Most badly hit will be the Indian diaspora who account for some 50% of the 10 million tourists who visit India every year, mostly to meet family and attend weddings. Many are classified as persons of Indian origin, who can enter India without a visa, but they too are banned under the latest rule.

The health ministry clearly feels that an escalation in preventive measures is necessary given that Indiaā€™s population density of some 420 people per square kilometre ā€“ compared with Chinaā€™s 146 people per square kilometre will make it easier for the virus to spread at great speed.

True, itā€™s the capacity of the healthcare system to deal with the cases is key and the amount of resources/manpower they can put into the serious ones or at least thatā€™s what I understand from South Korea

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Once this is all over weā€™ll have a fair idea of where our health system ranks in terms of the rest of the World. Unfortunately I fear we are more Italy than Scandinavia

Also, true confirmed cases also not in play here. - We dont know the real figure in any country ā€” death rates could be a lot lower

Dunnes in Cornelscourt had to close on H&S grounds

I think other considerations are
1 there are two forms, wan worse than the other.
2 repeated exposure seems to produce a significantly worse prognosis, so if itā€™s built up a head of steam in the community, itā€™s worse
3 as this happens, ICU beds are full, hospitals in general are flooded, and individual care inevitably suffers.

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Warm your significant other if you chose the kitchen sink

Riots in the toilet paper aisle?

I was there this morning and it was very disturbing. A panicked herd is a an ugly sight. This is a far bigger threat than an virus. Start the rosary lads.

No car spaces in Aldi Letterkenny and all toilet roll sold out.

I donā€™t think itā€™s Rally Weekend but Iā€™ll check just in case.

Oh dear. Iā€™m starting to see plenty of these knowing, do-gooder type tweets.

ā€œIā€™ve my own business and have worked from home for the last 8 years. It took me a while to figure it all out but hereā€™s what I knowā€¦(1/17)ā€

Fuck off.


I was in an Aldi this morning before Leoā€™s announcement and already things were very bad with queues ten deep at tills and people with trolleys full of stuff, everyone had bog roll, everyone silently eye balling each other no doubt thinking ā€œHas that cunt got it, she might have it over thereā€. It was really mad stuff and this was at 9.30am this morning. I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s going to be like now for the rest of the day. Already I am regretting not filling a second trolley of stuff.

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GAA just called the same as Dublin. No activity until March 29th

Mayhem in clondalkin. Theres been a run on Heineken.

I dont get it people can still go outside, go for a walk, play golf, visit shops when its quieter etc its not a fog that turns people inside out.

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