The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Got one of those last summer and he lived in it for the summer. He’s not keen on cold and rain so it’s been in the shed since last September.

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Had the cleaners in yesterday and am postponing them now till post apocalypse.

Going to confirm the landscapers intend on continuing service today, place would be gone wild in 2 weeks without their services.

Sounds like the car version of my DART journey to work yesterday morning. People bumping into each other, refusing to make space, throwing shoulders, giving filthy looks, openly hissing and sighing at sneezers, people bursting on at stops without allowing people disembark first. I was aghast at the carry on but remained stoic and silent.

Sure thing. :wink:

People watching Cheltenham on telly are as bad as the scumbags over there. How dare they validate these murderers.

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Thanks for confirming, I was hopeful that the nature of your work being outdoors you would be in a position to continue in the short term at least.

Much obliged my good sir.

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Being serious here (cc @Bandage) but tesco on Prussia street D7 is like a war zone

People are expecting to be told to self isolate for 2 weeks. Some people prefer to use bog roll than their hands.


Liverpool lost the CL, they were eliminated last night.

Thanks for reminding me :+1:

Excellent, see you Friday!

2 weeks ? How may times a day do you take a shite ?

Not really though is it?

I’m presenting the tweet. No comment.

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Germany and Scandinavia have functioning health systems and also it seems the death rate rises with number of cases. Fairly straightforward

Italy also has one of the oldest populations in the World


Puzzled is his default state