The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Ireland is getting locked on locked down

Davy Fitz will undoubtedly flout this edict cc @Bandage

John Duggan is getting a lambasted on twitter, tis an ill wind that brings no good.

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The government have seriously botched their messaging on this one.

The L word has sent people into panic stations. They should never have used it.

They used it because they wanted to be be seen to be taking stern action, ie. they used it for their own benefit, not the benefit of ordinary people.

They’ll be grand again by tomorrow, they just need to get it out of their system

You’d be mad to type LOCKDOWN in anything other than caps.

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The likelihood is though that the government are going to have to use the L word agai, next week, and next time it will be for real.

The key to messaging of this type is in underselling how draconian it is, not overselling it. The keep calm and carry on style message.

They’ve basically told everyone to panic, which is what you don’t do.


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Yesterday they weren’t taking it seriously enough. Now they’ve acted and your criticising them for causing panic. If I didn’t know better I’d think you were just being contrary


Their messaging was fine. The most important thing is the measures. Coveney was very poised

They weren’t taking it seriously enough and probably still aren’t. The point is you take actual real measures which are designed to work, yet frame it in the language of normality.

This is fairly basic stuff.

What they have done is take some fairly lightweight measures and framed them in the language of panic.

The supermarkets are not closing. Yet it appears everybody thinks they are. That shows the tone of the messaging has been disastrous. Keystone Cops stuff.

They were damned either way. When Sidney is dictator, all the messages will be pitch-perfect


If only we had had a hard-left socialist dictatorship, all this could have been avoided


Cant be easy for anyone involved in care work with the elderly at this time, I hope he’s ok wherever he is.

Same goes for all of you with elderly family. Go well.

If it is used again at least people are stocked up.

It’s the level of stupidity out there though, mass buying herding together like tools.

News this evening isn’t going to be good.

Good news coming from Banking sector thank God ref mortgage repayments.

The amount of people buying slabs of cans earlier was hilarious.

Mortgage holiday partys incoming!

The population isn’t taking this seriously at all, hence the language used needed to said.

They can’t win

He looked very orange last night.


No repayments till June I’m hearing but will be added to overall value.

Better option than lumping on the payments 1st month back. Proactive move though.