The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Trump went from calling it a hoax, to acknowledging clusters, to cancelling travelling to potentially contracting the virus.

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He sounded very short of breath last night.

Case in St Luke’s in Kilkenny.

Someone working in a Pharmaceutical Company in Carrigaline has it supposedly.

'Cos when somebody sneezes, everybody else shits themselves.

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The one big upside I have in all of this is that I have been meaning to defrost my freezer for the bones of six months at this stage but couldn’t be arsed trying to eat or dispose of all the food in it before defrosting.

Should be able to make a fair dent in it now. Between that and last weeks Huel delivery I’m all set.


The world is collapsing Around our ears

Some of the population isn’t taking it seriously partly because some of them are eejits and probably partly because up to now the messaging and the clarity of message in public health terms hasn’t been that great.

Yes they have gone on about hand washing and social distancing etc. but the tone of the general messaging before today about what is to come has mostly been too reassuring. That sort of started to change around Sunday but it was really public opinion that started to change around then becasue of the Sunday Business Post story. The public, at least those who are conscientious, have pretty much had to piece things together for themselves based on reports coming out of other countries.

The official strategy up to now has been one of avoiding panic or panic management but that has collapsed today. To be fair Trump’s intervention last night didn’t help.

I think the problem is that they didn’t front up enough to the reality early enough, and now it has sort of reached a tipping point. That tipping point is where the panic sets in.

As I see it the official response has up to now been one step behind where it needed to be and they’ve now tried to jump two steps ahead in one go in perception terms, while still being a step behind in real terms. The measures taken today are nothing extraordinary, nothing that couldn’t have been implemented at least a week ago, yet people think they are extraordinary measures.

Who said lockdown? - the Taoiseach’s speech is here and he doesn’t use that word once.




What a fucking tune.

Well the media has been widely using the word lockdown. Aine Lawlor used it several times on the News at One, the word was front and centre in the programme. If Fine Gael themselves have not used the word I take it back about them but you think they would have briefed state media about how to report it.

Would you say guys like this are part of the problem then. I’d imagine you’re fuming with him and similar over the last couple of days irresponsibly using the word “Lockdown”

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So its now ok for the Govt to tell the state broadcaster what to do. Changed times.

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:smiley: :smiley:

:rofl: :rofl: Is yer wan saying - " Sur there 's more than a hundred people here , we’re all dead anyway".


I’m glad lapsed poster @chocolate mousse isn’t around to see his native Limerick people at that carry on. They’d make Australians look like choirboys.