The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Dunlewey addiction center up in donegal be better suited. Keep ya for 4 months

Iā€™ll be busy donā€™t worry.

For what?

When we rid ourselves of this virus they government should declare an extra national holiday to celebrate.

Yes, for everyone except teachers.

VV day.

This was all planned by the teachers. Bringing kids on trips to infected zones all to just get a few weeks off. The bastards.

Most parents sound gutted having to spend time with their children.

When we rid ourselves of the virus we shouldnā€™t forget the cunts who went to Cheltenham, they should all have their passports rescinded


Beware of Greeks bearing gifts

If the virus doesnā€™t kill ya spending 2 weeks couped up with the family will. Look at Christmas come Stephenā€™s day families are at war.:grinning:

Thatā€™s an awful climb down from twenty minutes ago.

They should all be quarantined on a halting site for 6 months and thatā€™s even too good for the cuntsm

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What about the Liverpool fans returning from anfield?

Theyā€™ll be bringing it home to their families and neighbours by the thousands.

They should be put up in the pilo hotel for a few weeks.

They must be on their 5th or 6th fungi by now

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Cute Kerry whores

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Alright lads, Iā€™m off to the annual Lansdowne Club St. Patrickā€™s Lunch. Iā€™d expect about 6 or 700 of Australiaā€™s most prominent Irish people under the one roof. This will be my last public engagement for a while so Iā€™m going to make the most of it. Mrs Nwoko has the disinfecting procedure memorised for when I stumble home in 9 or 10 hours.

Lord, be with me.

Lord, watch over me.

Lord, protect me.