The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

We know that ffs, you were never going in the first place

Now now lads

A friend of mine was flying to the states today I think or yesterday. He didn’t go as it was for work and cancelled. He claimed that a lot of flights were empty but still flew over. Is this common practise? He even went on to say cancelled commuter flights often travel to hold their slots whatever that means. Maybe @Batigol can tell me.

A vintage month for the gay beer thread :sunglasses:

Huh? I go to Cheltenham every year maybe twice if not three times a year?

This is a unique virus, with unique features. This virus is not influenza," Tedros said Monday. “We are in uncharted territory.”

Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO’s health emergencies program, said Monday that the coronavirus isn’t transmitting the same exact way as the flu and health officials have been given a “glimmer, a chink of light” that the virus could be contained.

"Here we have a disease for which we have no vaccine, no treatment, we don’t fully understand transmission, we don’t fully understand case mortality, but what we have been genuinely heartened by is that unlike influenza, where, where they’ve put in place strong measures, we’ve remarkably seen that the virus is suppressed," Ryan said.

We’ve got this if we follow the advice around self isolation, hand washing and social distancing.


Arteta surely got it off our boy couple of Thursday’s ago?

Airports can resell their slots if airlines don’t use them above a certain percentage. Slots in big airports cost a lot of money

Ah here but in a situation like this they can surely cancel? I can’t imagine that they’d fly around the world empty.

EU are or have temporarily suspended that rule.

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The ash cloud was the only time I remember it being waived

The fact that this needs to be explained shows how stupid some people are.

Them honky fuckers aren’t worth saving brotha

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You can actually learn lots on here if you behave yourself.

You should quarantine yourself from your family for 2 weeks , not been a prick here , you went over into an infected zone . If you’ve any symptoms please alert the authorities. Regards codegreen

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I’m heading to dingle on Saturday for two weeks quarantine.

You fucking better not infect Fungie the dolphin.

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