The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Exactly. Someone tell Boris

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He hasn’t a clue. Told people yesterday to not ring 111 but use the internet to look up symptoms. The two gimps beside them didn’t know where to look and were very unconvincing. He’ll make another announcement soon as the public reaction hasn’t been great over here. Poor Boris just wants to be liked

you catastophize everything

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issued a travel advise to the traitors that were planning on going


If Amy from Ohio is right and you extrapolate her 1% worldwide, that’s 70 million infected.
How’s that for catastrophe.

time for a travel ban from Britian?

We shall over come…

So far they are all on the same exponential growth curve of cases. It may get bad for The Netherlands next week.

Pure madness, he must be confident that the NHS can function with the extra funds it’s getting because of leaving europe. If they let the virus spread it will kill off the Tory vote. Grave situation for the elderly.

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HSE said the same on the six one news night

First Chinese case was on 17 November. This has been circulating the globe for months.

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If it got here from the relatively small numbers that go skiing, it’s surely already in the UK, and esp London. Add 5 million using the Tube every day, it’s been incubating away and they’re going to explode in the next few days

There’s or there were several flights a day from Wuhan to Heathrow. I suspect it got to London before the skiing season kicked in.

Beware of boredom setting in men.

If teachers get pregnant now they’ll be due back from maternity leave as the summer holidays start in 2021.

Just saying.

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He’ll need a plumber on standby

Going for a high fibre diet for the next few weeks is key here.

I’ve accepted that there’s thousands of cases all over Ireland now… I was going by the daily figures all along fooling my self but travel hasnt stopped, testing has been minimum and there have been community cases.