The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

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Where are you reading this?
I saw a woman called Breda in a facebook comments section say she thinks her family had it in December so the story checks out.


The fella in Wuhan who made the bat soup must feel awful


Been hearing a bit of that myself. Friend of mrsā€™ family , in her late 40s, had pneumonia before Christmas, as did both her parents - So sheā€™s convinced she had it.

Paddy showing the Tans how itā€™s done.

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As regards the spread of this virus I observed myself closely last night as I carried out a couple of run of the mill tasks. First I bought a bottle of wine in the off licence. Between paying with the card and yer man putting the bottle in a paper bag there were multiple instances where we could have contaminated each other. Then I went to get petrol. This was really fucking frightening. How many hands have touched this pump in the last five days? Who knows. Iā€™ll be wearing gloves the next time I do this.

So you think there will be a next time?


Would the ethanol in the petrol not kill it off

Iā€™ve been told by my employer to stay at home until Wednesday.

All that adds to the hysteria and panic buying. Ruining it for ourselves.

Makes sense, was designed as a ā€˜TBā€™ hospital

@flattythehurdler @Declan_Moffat

Come home lads. The Tans wonā€™t look after ye

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Well actually I had a half tank but I have to go to Waterford today so I wanted to make sure I had enough to get back.

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How about the likes of the Comer brothers who benefited so handsomely from the NAMA do their bit and throw bodies at the likes of thisā€¦ And have it operational in a few weeksā€¦

Wonā€™t happen.



The lovely Corrib Great Southern?

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From reading, listening and watching, thereā€™s obviously a lot of misinformation out there.
But from the sources I feel arenā€™t full of shit itā€™s less to do with hands and more to do with breath.
While I wouldnā€™t discourage you to wear gloves Iā€™d be more inclined to say make sure you also have an N95 mask. Everyone should also be taking Vitamin D supplements.

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Iā€™d say Fergal hasnā€™t slept in two weeks. 24/7 coverage

Itā€™s do gooders like Nora who will be the death of us