The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Will good weather slow this down?

Stick a curfew on kids and teenagers. Gangs of the little shits walking around everywhere.


Sorry to hear mate, never nice to have a trip cancelled.

If you believe the reported numbers, safest continent right now. A few cases per country and almost no deaths. Right up there with Russia for keeping it at bay.

Coronavirus – Friday 13th March Update

After another busy day, here are the main Coronavirus updates impacting the pub trade:

Social distancing in pubs
At yesterday’s announcement, the government said pubs would remain open while implementing social distancing guidelines. This vague advice has been somewhat explained today by the HSE, who say:

“Social distancing is important to help slow the spread of coronavirus. It does this by minimising contact between potentially infected individuals and healthy individuals.

Social distancing is keeping a space of 2 metres (6.5 feet) between you and other people. Do not shake hands or make close contact if possible.”

So that’s the advice to publicans, keep people 2 metres apart. Ultimately, this is a guideline and publicans will only be successful implementing this with the help of their customers.

100 people limit
We’ve received hundreds of calls about this issue. Again, it’s a guideline but the maximum number of people refers to customers and staff combined. We would urge members to be very careful about the potential for negative publicity if the maximum number is exceeded. It’s important to support the guidelines and be seen to support them.

Tánaiste Simon Coveney says it is for pubs to decide for themselves whether to remain open. He said “these are very clear guidelines in terms of numbers, what’s appropriate and what’s not. Business owners and operators will have to accommodate these asks in terms of how they run their businesses.”

Mr Coveney added that “that’s going to be difficult and we recognise that.”

He said: “That’s why we want obviously as we move through this period and get out the other side - to get back to a much more normal society.”

What happens if I need to lay-off my staff at short notice?
Regarding staff and the possibility of reducing hours/days etc, Social Welfare is encouraging people where possible not to present to their Intreo Centre.

If all staff have a PSC card then they can make a claim online via MyWelfare once they have a verified account.

If they are unsure they can contact their local Intreo office by e mail. This can then be checked by a member of staff. List of local offices HERE

If they don’t have a PSC card they will need to make an appointment for them - again this can all be checked by a staff member and an appointment will issue.

Short-time work support (temporarily placed on shorter hours) information can be accessed HERE

Temporary /Permanent Layoffs:

Where possible all applications should be made online by using link HERE

Illness Benefit:

Where possible all applications should be made online by using link HERE

What’s the situation with Sky?
We’ve have contacted Sky to ask them to outline for us what action they are taking to support customers at this difficult and unprecedented time. We await a response.

Punters are returning from Cheltenham to a new reality. If they’re in your pub they may be asked by other customers why they aren’t self-isolating. This is a potential flashpoint and needs to be managed as best you can.

Racegoers returning to Ireland will be reminded at points of entry of the need to self-isolate if they show symptoms of having the coronavirus, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney signalled on Thursday.

What help is out there?
We carried news of an aid package for the hospitality sector in last night’s email HERE but as of 6pm today there is no official announcement of the package being signed off. We’ll keep you posted.

Up for consideration are:

The deferment of certain taxes and charges to allow a window for the economy to recover.

These could include - local authority rates and charges with zero arrears, water charges with zero arrears; Revenue liquor license fees and Tax/PRSI payment holidays to take effect immediately.

In addition, speedy access to low interest loans for tourism businesses both through DBEI schemes and through the banking system generally and the reduction of VAT rate on accommodation and food services to 0% immediately until the crisis passes, increasing to 9% for 12 months to enable industry to bounce back as quickly as possible.

In other news, Revenue has announced a number of measures to help SMEs. They don’t amount to much practical assistance but at this stage every little helps. You can read full details HERE

Special Exemptions
The District Court this morning made an order whereby you can, at a later date after the cancelled event, amend the Special Exemption application to a future date and fees will carry over. Therefore, if you cancel you will not be at a loss for the cost of the exemption already paid.

It’s natural during a crisis such as the one we’re facing for rumours to spread like wildfire. If you hear something that worries you please get in touch with head office and we’ll give you the latest information available.

As ever, as soon as we find out concrete information we’ll pass it on to members.

Kind regards

If it follows the same profile as the flu or most versions of the common cold, then yes.

So basically when temps pick up next week this will be over.

No, it’s still ramping up. No guarantee, but more likely to decline as we get closer to summer.

I wouldnt assume that Singapore is tropical all year round and oz is in late summer. Singapore went into shutdown to slow the virus spreading

Yes was going to Zambia. No cases the last time I looked. That might be down to no testing And people dying from something anyway. But the last fucking thing they need is a gang of well meaning Europeans flying in an infecting then all.


China’s patient zero may have been in November


Trump looks fucked, either hasn’t slept for a week or riddled.

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You could be TFK’s own Francisco Pizarro.

Sorry to hear this Fagan

Yes I’m gutted. I had been planning to visit a pal who runs a small charity out there for a long time.


I may as well get set for the Christmas

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Sorry pal

Ah sure it’s small beer in the scheme of things to be fair.



No beer, no sport. Living with three women. I feel like I should be waking up in a cold sweat any minute.