The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party



The Irish survived the famine mate, we can survive this thing. After a succession of famines and tan ethnic cleansing, there were only about half a million Irish in Ireland in the mid 17th century. We bounced back and there were approx 8 million Irish in 1840, before the genocide which knocked us back again. There are an estimated 80 million Irish worldwide now, we are one of the most resilient races on the planet.


Is that @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy replying to him


JUST IN: Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

Welcome to yesterday


I don’t think any of us are experts on this. There were signs that the level of restrictions needed to be upped as we were likely to move to the delay phase and hence what happened yesterday. Restrictions can be upped again on the basis of future information but a random ‘we are fucked because people are in the pub’ comment doesn’t really land anywhere.

I am not in the pub as I type this.

I just passed an English stag party in Galway there. I could hear them yahooing with delight when they saw that shop street and quay street were hopping like a normal Friday evening. Could hear one of them say “ghost town” as in they obviously feared the whole place would be completely shut down and dead before they arrived.

Have to imagine the pubs will have go soon enough if our dear leaders are serious.

The pubs should not have more than 100 people in. That is outrageous if they do.

Some of them saying they have a limit of 100 alright but who knows in reality?

The fact that’s it’s like a normal Friday is not good.

Pubs will have to be told to wind it in and actually enforce social distancing if they want to stay open, it was probably always going to happen today but it shouldn’t be let persist over the weekend. A warning about their liquor license renewal wouldn’t go astray.

Close them down to fuck.


Does a publican turn away trade? Does a bear shit in the woods?

Wrong analogy but you get my drift

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Lad on TV last night said about 20,000 Irish died during Spanish flu and given medical and hygiene advances this should be a lot less

Traditional lock ins again, just like good fridays of ole. Ash trays in the dishwasher as we speak.

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I’m here now and it’s eerie how quiet it is.

That will have to come from government if so, they have livelihoods to preserve as well, has to be a middle ground

I was supposed to be going to Africa at Easter but the flight was cancelled today. Been fairly obvious for the last couple of weeks that I wouldn’t be going.

It’s not all bad so

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Im self isolating in Murphy’s bar Brandon Tomorrow you’ll have to come for one :pint:

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