The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


Some poor student collecting glasses in a pub for a few quid is who I feel sorry for this weekend. No way are they disinfecting their hands after every run.

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Imagine the lies and self appointed experts they’ll have to listen to. It would be like an audio book version of this place.

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They are the vector. Some cunt won’t tip you. Do him.

And anyone in a Tipp jersey

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Loads of countries are shutting their borders. Denmark, Poland…My missus started talking and I missed the rest

Czech Republic was the 3rd one mentioned


Our only hope is if fine weather wipes it out overnight.

Dream talk.

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A novena or two might do the trick.

Was supposed to have a Danish girl join our team at the start of April. That’s out the window now



That is. Or she is.

My mam was very put out today when I told her we would need to keep the kids away for now…although I see now they have ‘softened’ that message to older people over 75 or something

To help with the novenas. It’s time for human sacrifices.

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Today was very strange. Not a single child out in our estate. Parks are closed. Lots of people taking it very seriously. Went to the beach which was lovely. Not that many on it. We roamed the dunes and kept ourselves to ourselves. Then I heard there was loads of lads in the pub watching Cheltenham. Makes it feel kind of pointless.

Also, There is a case in Beaumont hospital now and they are scrambling like fuck.


Who’s ward calling the stupid prick?

My Mam and auntie have been more or less isolated In Leitrim for the last six weeks. They have instigated it initially but we are all in agreement now obviously. Very tough on them to be couped up for so long, with no end in sight.