The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Vladimir Putin would never, ever kill a load of innocent Russian citizens for political gain. Nah.

Let it go sidney, what’s killing a few hundred to protect millions

You need to let the “Sidney” thing go.

Most definitely. Same way as it could affect football matches, has affected Grand Prixs and other events. It is inevitable there will be some impacg on these waters. The outcome may be the Festival goes ahead and then we have a hit.

The story isnt great either way. The hope would be it doesnt hit here til better weather approaches as if it would like spread rapidly…

Treaty is the weatherman. He knows fuck all about complex science

He’s the stats man, leave the science to me.

Who is Sidney?

hmmm and you would know of course?

Whoever he is he seems to have the forum doing cartwheels in consternation.

Lads can you take this shit to other threads, this is serious, we are on the tipping point of a pandemic.

I’m in charge of statistics and conspiracy theories .


This is mainly a Chinese lab forum. Off season for viruses it can get quiet but the place is rocking at the moment.

With the world heading for 8 billion humans… Isn’t this exactly what’s required to keep things in check?

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Fair play on reading the article and then making up a completely different version in your head

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Be great craic if Cheltenham is off. The horsey set will be apoplectic.


What do you know about then statististcs yokes?

You’d miss the oul’ foot and mouth disease, you really would.

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Ok let me try and dumb it down for you.

There are millions of naturally occurring pathogen viruses that live on animal hosts. The great majority will never spread to humans. Occasionally a virus mutates into a form that can hop to humans. This is an example of such a virus. It is quite feasible that it came from a random animal caught in the wild and sold in a market or quite feasible that it came from a lab that studies these types of viruses in animals. There is precedent in China for the latter.

The idea that its a man made virus that escaped from a Chinese Bioweapons facility is fanciful and not backed up by studies of the genome of the virus.

Are you reading a different article to the one who are replying to? Nowhere does it mention Chinese Bioweapons in any way shape or form