The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

because there is a global pandemic thats going to wipe out half the human race

can you please remove the emoji and change the tone of your post

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Normally I’d hold my ground but given you appear to be more menstrual than normal this morning I’ll make an edit.

The crucial Scotland vs Italy women’s six nations match is OFF

Great for climate change though. The Chinese are a great bunch of lads.

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This the first time I have seen this conspiracy theory of how the virus originated reported in the mainstream press. There have been other reports that the virus did not originate in the wet market in Wuhan, but arrived there from some other location and quickly spread due to it being such a busy market.

Bullet points:

The only microbiology lab in all of China that currently handles dangerous coronaviruses like this recent novel coronavirus is in Wuhan.

If this virus escaped from the lab, it would not be the first time it’s happened in China. After the SARS outbreak was contained in 2003, there were two further outbreaks where the SARs virus escaped from the lab where it was being studied. Both were contained quickly as SARs is not easily transmitted.

Some Chinese researchers are known to sell animals to street vendors after they are doing experimenting on them. One researcher, who is now in jail, made the equivalent one $million from selling monkeys and rats to street vendors.

I linked to an article that mentioned those first two points last week. It sounds like a very plausible theory.

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Basically, actual experts say it didn’t come from a lab

Paste it up there and TFK’s experts will determine its validity.


Who is the go-to guy or gal here for virus pandemic?

Hbv had aids

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Treaty and myself. No gals that I’m aware of.

A scientist at the forefront of an international effort to track the deadly coronavirus outbreak has shot down claims about the disease’s origins, including that it escaped from a Wuhan laboratory after being genetically engineered.

Trevor Bedford, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, rubbished stories circulating on social media that Covid-19 was created at Wuhan Institute of Virology or elsewhere in China, rumours that prompted the World Health Organization to warn of an “infodemic” of false news on the outbreak.

“There is no evidence whatsoever of genetic engineering that we can find,” he said at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Seattle. “The evidence we have is that the mutations [in the virus] are completely consistent with natural evolution.”

One source of rumours was a paper posted by scientists in India claiming that short insertions in the viral genome had an “uncanny similarity” to HIV. Although the paper was quickly withdrawn, its allegations live on in social media.

The research was “wrong on many levels,” said Dr Bedford, whose lab studies the evolution of viruses. The genes it shares with HIV are extremely short sequences naturally shared by other organisms and “repeated again and again throughout the tree of life.”

He also disputed claims that Covid-19 might have infected humans from snakes or even fish. The most likely scenario, based on genetic analysis, was that the virus was transmitted by a bat to another mammal between 20-70 years ago. This intermediary animal — not yet identified — passed it on to its first human host in the city of Wuhan in late November or early December 2019.

Dr Bedford is a leader of the worldwide Nextstrain collaboration that began to analyse Covid-19 genomes when they were released in January by Fudan University and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control. By now scientists around the world have published the genetic sequence of virus taken from about 100 patients.

They show mutations taking place at a slow pace as the infection passes from person to person. Typically the virus in one patient today is different in around five of the 30,000 biochemical letters of its genetic code, but these are random changes rather than any sign that it is becoming more virulent or infectious, Dr Bedford said.

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Is there a possibility it’ll effect Cheltenham?

So he’s talking about something else, that it is a bio weapon that escaped. That’s definitely a conspiracy theory. The Wuhan lab isn’t a bioweapons site, those are in Beijing as far as I know. Wuhan lab studies viruses in animals and how they may become zootonic as in spread from animals to humans.

So the suggestion is that an animal from the lab with this natural virus got out somehow.

I can’t believe the New York Post was wrong.

If this hits russia Putin will delete a town in order to preserve a country