The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Trust your judgement mate. You sound very conscious of the dangers

Mother in law was released from hospital today has four weeks left to live due to terminal cancer.
No aftercare from hospital or respite will be given to the family as they need as many beds and nurses to be available asap. Also overheard the hse is in contact with recently retired nurses and doctors to give a dig out when the virus goes ten deep


Jaysus. Sorry to hear man.

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Sorry to hear

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If a mass market test kit can become widely available then I’ll be happier.
Isolation is doable no problem if you’ve definitely got it.


Was a lad on channel 4 news last night who is in isolation for the last 40 days


It’s the not knowing who’s got it or where it is, that’s tough.

I think they need to be very very specific with reported cases. People will 100% be more responsible it they know it’s in their town for example

40 days is doable. Once you can protect your family anything is doable. :man_shrugging:

My mate is stuck in Denmark now and his wife and kid are here. He is climbing the fucking walls

Sorry to hear that, that sounds like a nightmare. I hope you all get through it as best you can.

Presume you won’t wear a mask
Vicks one defence
Vitamin D3

Wash hands
Don’t shake hands

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He was a single chap no kids. He is making the most of isolation and learning a new language Russian


Tough one. Best wishes to you and your family. My wife’s friend cancer op is delayed for 3 weeks due to Covid 19. Mentally hard.

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No palliative care at all?

Sorry to hear, hope all goes well and she beats the disease


Local hospice will help you plan. Once she’s pain free & comfortable ye can do no more.

Sorry for that news, lad.


Fuck man. That’s really tough.

None what’s so ever might get a call out from the district nurse. Meds is all that was given the general morphine based ones to try make it as comfortable as possible

Will this change anything culturally for us? Youd imagine it has to. Like will we look at things and how egregious we were and how socially irresponsible we are? Will it alter our behaviour for the better going forward?

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Sorry for your trouble