The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I hope it will

Could a hospice help. Maybe one of us has
a connection to see

Fuck sake, as @carryharry said, get onto hospice, pretty sure you are entitled to a certain amount of nights with hospice nurse. General morphine won’t be worth a fuck. Pump with heavy meds in the end stages.

Hospice was informed still no word back as.of yet.

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As regards isolation periods, the UK Government are advising 7 days rather than 14. Cutting corners big time. They’ll pay for it.

The political consequences of all this are unknowable but could be explosive.

I maintain hope it may bring an end to the period of charlatanism we have experienced particularly for the last four years (in reality much longer in many places) but it could just as easily go pear shaped in an even bigger way.

Trump/Brexit/Putin and all the other shit all over the world etc. have been slowly boiling us alive like frogs.

Perhaps this could prove to be the sudden application of boiling water which brings people to their senses.

We don’t live for very long. Our average life expectancy is barely 80 years in Ireland and plenty of us don’t get near that. This could snuff a lot of us out. How we deal with this worldwide will prove to be a litmus test for the even bigger and more urgent challenge to come, the ongoing destruction of the planet.

World War II was obviosuly truly appalling but in many ways it showed what could be done when humanity puts it mind to it, both during it and after it. We desperately need to think long term and invest in the future of both humanity and the planet. Before this we’ve only thought short term. Maybe only a seismic world event can concentrate minds to make us think long term.

Whatever happens during and after this, dealing with it will require massive international co-operation.


You’ve her home at least, they’ll be in contact by Monday.

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Hope it works out. It’s hard. But be a squeaky wheel

It’s a tough one trying to get her into st francis raheny.
The misses is on the case

Sorry for your troubles.

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Hope so for her sake and the in laws they are going through the ringer

Sorry to hear that . Tough time .

Italy, we love you! All together we will make it.

Italy, we love you! We’ll all get through together.


Normally the squakiest wheel makes the most noise gets the attention

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Sorry to hear that news chief

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That’s beautiful.

They missed the bit at the end of Paddy shouting down will yiz shut the fook up I’m fooking dying heure


I just find it strange that Ireland has acted more promptly than the uk and us. Are these countries underestimating the virus.

Sorry to read that, pal.


Cheers @Bandage

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The human spirit is undefeated and will remain so throughout this