The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

What other bio weapons are they developing??

an anti-Carkness bioweapon.

Surely that’s an antidote, not a weapon


An announcement that the Chinese city of Wuhan would relax some of its travel restrictions and allow some people to leave was made without authorisation and has been revoked, the local government said on Monday, according to a report by Reuters.

The city at the epicentre of a coronavirus outbreak that has already killed more than 2,500 people said it would continue to impose strict controls over its borders in order to prevent the virus from spreading further.

The people responsible for the earlier announcement, which stated healthy people would be allowed to leave if they had vital business, have been reprimanded.

Someone is in trouble

RIP people-responsible-for-earlier-announcement.

The graseballs were never much use in a crisis

Patient 1 in Italy made a few trips to the A&E and infested the place. They don’t know where he got it from.

That’s how biological weapons work mate.

We neutralised that in 2018

50 dead in Iran now

are the Chinese releasing this weapon in each country or sending people infected with it?

They are targeting religions the Godless commie bastards.

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True story — I was in the jacks there for a slash and a Chinese lad walked straight out of a cubical and went out the door without washing his hands - dirty bastards

Ramadan could see a spike in incidence rate and mortality rate if there is a major outbreak in the Middle East.

The dirty godless bastard.

Shits getting real. Pro 14 games have been called off.

Was he ating a bat?


Pal of mine just texted to say the Italian offices of the multinational pharma company he works for have been closed,and the annual leave of all doctors cancelled :grimacing:

I think he just took one .

Will cruise ship businesses be the first to collapse

Cannot see many people getting on a cruise ship now