The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They’re just cunts mate

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Will we get back to any sort of normality?

Why? Liverpool v Madrid went ahead and I don’t see anybody complaining about that.

I see Matt syed is failing upwards and Is now on the sky news paper review.

It was a treacherous act against the nation. These fellas would have hid behind their mothers aprons 100 years ago rather than come out and fight.


We will of course. By Christmas we’ll all be toasting having come through it and will be merry again. But most adults will know at least a few people who died because of it. Many will be relatives. Thats just how it will happen. We will assimilate it into our DNA like other massive global events. And will go on. Hopefully it will inform our future actions positively, but you wouldnt hold out hope.


Or a morgue

It was reckless in the midst of pandemic. History will not be kind to those who allowed it to go ahead.

Fuck knows.

When was it declared a pandemic?

He’s on that fur years

I don’t usually watch it. He’s a Bolox. Hope you are safe.


Testing positive without displaying any symptoms would surely be an incredible intervention given the current testing procedure, seems we’re way ahead of the curve afterall.


It will be even less kind to the rat bastards who went out there. Their cards are being marked the length and breadth of the country. Their children will carry the scars of their parents treachery.

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Shoneen bastards

He must’ve been in contact with a confirmed case.

With incubation periods and timeframes display of actual symptoms it’s still surely a stretch.

That said at this stage we may all just lock it down regardless of the social media anecdotal prompts.

Was probably a close contact of another case so was tested for that reason.

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