The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


Probably right.

This whole thing is mental.

Retailers and other business owners were already looking for rent holidays last Thursday and Friday. It’ll be carnage. Least in 2008 it was banks, construction and property, there is no floor with this.

Our middle lad was due to start swimming lessons on Monday with the older lad getting advanced lesson on Wednesday. The girl text and said she didn’t want to but had to cancel them. I got Ms Goode to text and ask if she wanted us to pay for 10 lessons in advance. I don’t know the girl’s situation but the lessons will have to be paid for anyway.

Just heard now that Temple Street is preparing their children’s wards for adults!

But at least the horsey set had Cheltenham…

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Unbelievable to see lads on here try to defend these rat bastards


Big gang on 18/19 year olds out the front of the pub there all half cut and wedged together around a table… Would we do any different at their age? But you’ve little chance of containing it really if that continues on around the country for the next few weeks

From September

Are they waiting for thousands to go into pubs in Tuesday and then lock it down?

Yes the micks have awful issues with the drink.

Says the chappeen who spent the week pissed in Cheltenham


They’ll be using Dublin Airport as a makeshift hospital before this is out.

I’d say that was there original plan but expect much swifter action now

Paddy wants a pint and an auld singsong


Fackin Muslims!


I am still clean.

More lies

Ah he’s definitely a chappeen

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Yes I was in Cheltenham till Wednesday night and had the grand total of five pints. I was feeling very fluey.

You shouldn’t have gone, it shouldn’t have gone ahead.

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