The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Whilst he is definitely a weirdo…he doesnt look like a student. He is due to present at public events this week…great.

There is now a man holding a stone up in the audience.

Does the stone have the virus?

No he killed corona man stone dead with it.

Paul Gogarty is now on the show…he apparently chased down 2 robbers in the Liffey Valley last weekend who had stolen soft drinks from a shop…

Well fuck you Deputy Stagg :clap::clap::clap:

I hope to fuck I’m not hallucinating this show right now :flushed:

Those iodine tablets could come in handy yet

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This place will go mental we are all locked up in the house


I didn’t want to post that as it might disturb some of the inmates. Comparing this to the flu is really off the mark. It’s not the potential fatalities that are the main issue, it’s the number that need hospitalization. It’s running at about 20% of those infected, so do the math on an outbreak in Ireland that infected say 5% of the population (the flu typically infects 5-20% in the US which can’t be different in Europe). You’re potentially looking at a need for 125,000 hospital beds equipped with ventilators. Can’t imagine that would be much of a problem.

The ones that are 15 years out of date?

This is a real moral conundrum: how many millions of people am I willing to kill for a day off work?

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How are young babies holding up against it?

I’ll be sending in a request in the morning for bidness travel to the continent next week. I presume the travel company will be just going through the motions and no one seriously expects anyone to be travelling anywhere once we swing into March.

If it lands on these shores it will be like 10 Holy Thursdays before the sale of liquor ban on Good Fridays was lifted.


Brennan’s are probably chartering flights to Milan as we speak.

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Should be fine as long as you continue breastfeeding.

Over 80s fatality rate is 15 per cent.
65 to 80 it’s about 8 per cent.
Younger with no underlying conditions it looks to be under 1 per cent fatality

About 5 per cent of infected people do need hospitalisation and ventilation which is where the concern is.

UK are predicting worst case 750,000 deaths in UK from it. More realistic prediction is 250,000 deaths in UK they say.

It’s an awful pity this didn’t hit Britain four years ago. Brexit would never have happened.

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Buy stocks in lemsip - “Reckitt Benckiser”. " go to the Winchester , have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over" . Bitcoin/lemsip coin rush 2.0. While your at it may aswell double down and buy stocks for any other related go to flu remedies. Like betting on the hurdles on a Sunday.

Welcome to three weeks ago, you snooze you lose.

@Chucks_Nwoko - CSL - I know they’re trading at $300 a share, but they’re going to go batshit over this (I got them years ago at $40)