The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Be grand if it landed here around March 8/9th & we got the week off for Cheltenham. :crossed_fingers:

An Italian has tested positive in the Canary Islands. Bad time to be stuck there during a sandstorm

if you find yourself with that week off over the virus, it could be footage of Cheltenham past you find yourself watching


My favourite Cheltenham Festival was 2001.


Just make sure to jump on big pharma & the vaccine when its “released”.

Meh. He’s not the first to be laid low in the Canary Islands by a dose of Corona.

The World Health Organization on Monday said the new coronavirus epidemic had “peaked” in China but warned that a surge in cases elsewhere was “deeply concerning” and all countries should prepare for a “potential pandemic”.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the peak in China occurred between January 23 and February 2 and the number of new cases there “has been declining steadily since then”.

“This virus can be contained,” he told reporters in Geneva, praising China for helping to prevent an even bigger spread of the disease through unprecedented lockdowns and quarantines in or near the outbreak’s epicentre.

I’ve been all over shares in Big Pharma ever since Gemtrails started banging on about them.

You cant get away with “disappearing” people and / or locking them up over here.

Imagine Garda Pat or Ranger Timmy telling ya tk stay indoors and avoid human contact while leaning in the car window to ya?

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Yea… but my point was to get on the company that comes through with providing the “vaccine”. No point betting on all horses :money_mouth_face:

Worked for Bertie and John Gilligan

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are Italy due to play Oireland in rugby over here?

surely the IRFU should cancel asap

Loosely translated as the West won’t be able to contain it due to those pesky human rights.

Shouldn’t be a problem for Trump so as a society under lockdown under pain of being shot dead by cops is exactly what he wanted all along.

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My thoughts and prayers are with all my fellow Italian forumites tonight

Bernie Saunders needs to mind himself.

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It latches onto the Saharan sand and creates a impermeable molecular structure ramping up its penetrative ability and creating infection risk within a 4mm radius of a sand grain.

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Given Italy’s history they are as likely to switch sides and ally with the coronavirus, as try to stop it.


On the mainland the govt is basically telling everyone who thinks they have it to stay the fuck away from hospital.

The J-League have suspended all football games until the 15th of March.

Regardless of whether this virus is as dangerous as feared or just a load of media hyperbole, the global economy is going into shutdown mode for a few weeks at least.