The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Ya for covid 19 for covid 20 thatā€™s the global killer

I worry this thread isnā€™t very good for some people on hereā€™s mental health. You need to breathe deeply and try to relax, for the sake of your loved ones. If this is how you blow off steam, then wonderful, but you need to confine the sort of madness being eschewed on here, to here.

This is going to be a week of weeks for the Irish Nation and society in general. Thereā€™ll be much good to come from the human spirit but as always in these cases, there will be bad too.

I wish all of you the very best. May we all come through this as unscathed as possible.


Here, here.

Right, Iā€™m off



Christy is from deep North Galway. cc @Faldo

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Will the banks support it? :thinking:

The HSE are going to start testing properly from this morning ,expect a huge jump in the numbers over the next few days.

Whatā€™s properly mean? ā€” Shur every fucker entering the country could be a new cases setting off a new chain of eventsā€¦ we might as well all be carrying on as normal until the airports shut.

Limerickā€™s response to the virus ā€¦ iā€™m mortified for @Julio_Geordio and @Watchyourtoes

His home place is 2 doors upā€¦ A sounder man you will not meet

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There was an awful lot of pubs in Limerick city open at 8 o clock last night, I was out with the dog and noticed that most of the salt of the earth type places that I passed were open,
Squires, PA Martins, Rashers, Patsy Nicholas etc

Has there been a reported case in Limerick yet?

We had a spate of car break-ins last night in our estate. The Whattsapp is buzzing away ā€¦ absolute cunts.

This is what China did ā€¦

RTE Radio 1 ---- On with some fella from Tipp who is waiting to get tested, 2 days ago he requested a test , displaying symptoms ā€¦ he started the story saying he couldnt move his body he felt so bad but he felt better the next morning so went to work ā€¦ Mother fucking jesus christā€¦


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And then thought the health service was ā€œa jokeā€


The mind boggles ā€¦ Lots and lots of people just dont get it.

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Thatā€™s a fine graph.

Weā€™re into Moving Week here.

Iā€™d love to have 6 spare minutes to watch that.

Keep Twitter vids 60 seconds or less, moving forward.