The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Ah here, standards must be maintained. A jot on the notebook for the moment but…

Non essential travel to the EU states being banned. Pack your bags @Batigol

Britain have released daily figure only going up by 179(helped by not testing people) but haven’t revealed deaths. My guess is they’ll reveal deaths along with new measures.

Were you saying this weeks ago?

UK are now only testing cases in hospitals. They reckon the peak is 3 months away.

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Id say i had this fuckin thing at xmas.I was fucked from xmas day till the 2nd of January with a high fever and unable to move.As bad as ive ever had and im not sick very often.

Patient zero


Breda on Facebook said the same other day. The doctors are wrong and that this has been in the country for months.

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Did you ate a Chinese on Christmas Eve?

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Decided to bite the bullet and get my hair cut earlier as I may not get another chance for a while.

The lady was doing Trojan work getting through the people, and took the same care as always with my hair cut.

I tipped generously,


Yes he was, along with myself, @anon78624367 and @Dziekanowski.

I heard it started on a pig farm in North Kerry and a Chinese tourist brought it back to Wuhan.

Plenty of DNA mutations in that part of the world alright

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A 21 yr old died in Malaga of it.

Of what?


I drove through Howth there earlier. Not much evidence of social distancing there. Queue out the door in Beshoffs chipper.

Lidl on Cornmarket Street. Cork.

These mother fuckers were told