The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

At least you’ll have a healthy dog to fall back on.

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I would have thought yer man who runs that Twitter account would have been hoping for a holocaust given how he describes himself:

A nice cocktail of UK (uninterested, bombastic) and German (dispassionate, stern).


Went to collect a package there. Sign on the door to buzz and someone would drop your package out.
Did that anyway, you man comes out drops the package on a table in between two of those bank style security doors. Then retreats behind the security doors and buzzes me in to pick up the package.

Obviously I’ve no issue with it, but it was a surreal experience. It’s going to be a weird few months

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It’s exactly why the Chinese released the disease.
Once you lose a particular civil right or freedom it will be very hard to get it back. Regimes are going to have even more powers now going forward.

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The world as we knew it is gone.


The Spanish just nationalised the private healthcare system and no one even blinked. They can do what they want now

Great to see.


Great to see everyone pulling together

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ISIS is more health and safety conscious than Trump and Johnson.

Can’t spell “dealing competently with a crisis” without ISIS.

Trump banned travel from Europe a few days ago mate, keep up

He didn’t ban travel to Europe, which is the issue here.

So ISIS are in fact being more responsible than Trump.


Dont engage in suicide attacks because the Corona virus could kill you.


There aren’t many places in Europe you can pull off a good suicide attack at the moment.

Cheltenham was a big missed opportunity.

To support our front line staff during the current health crisis, and lighten the mood nationally, we are asking the whole country to wear some green tomorrow and to upload selfies to your social media with the tag line #FrontlineIre - please share this with every one you know.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Juhniallio @backinatracksuit

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You get the day off work today sid?


FAO of the forum.

My favourite children’s entertainer Rainbow Phil - - is delivering his St Patrick’s Day Special Show online tomorrow instead of in person due to Covid-19.

Search for “Rainbow Phil” on Facebook and marvel at the show on Facebook Live from 11am tomorrow.

You can donate to Phil (if you enjoy the show).

The actions of the British government are unbelievable.

I also think it’s being poorly managed in the free state too. There should be a total lockdown on the island of Ireland. Airports should have been shut weeks ago, there is nothing proactive coming from the government at all. It’s all a reaction to their own inaction.