The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Just gave you the magic 50 for the effort of copy pasting it in

God bless you and your family.

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Stringer Bell from The Wire has it now.

As Clay Davis would say - “shiiiiiiiiit”

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Per head of population that’s about the level that Italy’s health service went into meltdown but that was also geographically focused on certain areas. Focus of testing and distribution important too.

Not sure how the Government can continue contact tracing with the growth in numbers we’re seeing.

Age distribution the key variable now you’d imagine. All about slowing down the increase in the vulnerable groupings.

I got an email from dick clerkin!!!


The GAA’s Medical, Scientific and Welfare Committee, the Gaelic Player’s Association and the Gaelic Athletic Medical Association (the representative body for Team Doctors) wish to stress the crucial importance of all players and team personnel adhering strictly to HSE guidelines in relation to social distancing and other aspects of the current Covid 19 pandemic.

In practical terms, this means the following:

  • Players should not congregate, even in small numbers, for training sessions.

  • Indoor shared Gym facilities are to be avoided, as such environments pose considerable limitations on a users ability to adhere to both ‘Social Distancing’ and contact transmission guidelines advised by the HSE.

Team managers, backroom personnel and players at all levels have not only a duty of care to each other but also to the wider community around them at this time.

It is expected therefore that County and Club teams across the country will adhere to both the letter and spirit of what has been asked of them at this challenging time.

Le meas,

Dick Clerkin (Chairman, GAA Medical Sceintific and Welfare Committee)

Paul Flynn (CEO, Gaelic Player’s Association)

Dr Sean Moffatt (Chairman, G.A.M.A)

Dunno mate. That means 19% haven’t recovered. :eyes:

Fat English scum cunts. I’d bet anythin they voted for Brexit too

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People are still getting it there but its slowed down

At the moment Ladbrokes are still opening as normal. Powers and Boyles will be closed.

String will figure out if it’s an elastic or inelastic virus and proceed from there

Confirmed being the key word there. If they don’t privately think there’s actually thousands out there then I wouldn’t have too much faith in them

From what I can see if we go into total lock down tomorrow we’ll be out of this in five or six weeks at worst. Places that went into total lock down three weeks ago in Italy have no new cases already. That means it’s working and presuming the virus can’t survive much longer than two weeks without being inside of somebody or on clothes or whatever (this is a total guess it only survive a few hours I don’t know) we should be ready to go in six weeks. The key is the whole world needs to fall in Together as one. Even in six weeks we couldn’t re open the country to visitors as they might not have gone into full lock down and could have the virus. I think that’s the problem. We need to work as one. At the moment our efforts have left us in limbo. We aren’t really doing lock down or herd whatever it is. The sooner we go into Total lock down the better anyway.



Howth was thronged yesterday afternoon

It will be immaterial at some point in the near future, people will have to adopt the approach that they are infected already and act accordingly to slow down the infection rate.

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The Donald is losing the confidence of the markets