The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You keep mentioning this, if there was thousands of cases out there, then surely the hospitals would already have been overrun. Our else the published critical figures are vastly wrong and we donā€™t really have an issue to worry about


Superb Chinese whispers here. ā€˜Flatten the curb.ā€™

The rate of transmission is the big worry mate. The vast, vast majority of people will be perfectly fine. Itā€™s the elderly and sick all getting it at the same time

Thatā€™s the worry

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Heā€™d want to be careful working with GAMA did he not see how the Hulk ended up

That canā€™t be good

Dick is the sceintific officer!

Stricter guidelines I imagine


20k Irish people in Spain right now on the holliers

wdnt have expected that many in Spain in March??

No non essential work possibly

Varadkar has said they expect 30 per cent increase in cases each day. No lockdown envisaged but social distancing emphasized

Judging by our day to today even the boss couldnā€™t argue with the idea.

They may not have had a full picture then

Baldy John has COVID-19 :sweat:

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10,000 by the end of the month.

He wonā€™t even get a decent funeral the poor hoor

San Francisco - some counties have ordered residents to stay at home until April 7th

As the number increases, surely the percentage increases?

Wuhan is still closed mate