The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Iā€™m shit at maths, bro. Iā€™m really good at adding things up in my head though.

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Very sad altogether.

At what point does it lose value I wonder? Are probably down to two degrees of separation at most now

Contact tracing is vital until there is a full enforced lockdown


Doesnā€™t it become a waste of resources at some point?

No, itā€™s vital while people are out and about get people in forced isolation.

Can you image the age profile of whatā€™s over there this day of the year

I fucking told you about 5 years ago that you had a bulging disc! But would you listen to me? Of course not.

Hope youā€™re not in too much pain, mate.

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Fergal is really enjoying this.

He must be running of fumes at this stage.

Oh sure he was an expert on squats and deadlifts that time


He doesnā€™t add any real insight. He just posts news heā€™s read somewhere else and tries to pass himself off as in the know

yes I can. still didnā€™t expect 20k though!

Hey, Iā€™ve already cornered that market!

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ā€œItā€™s grand itā€™s something to do with my hips/tight hammies/groin. Iā€™ll squat my way out of it.ā€

Well now look at him.

Macron advising against kissing, whatā€™s the world coming to at all

He convinced it was his IT band , and the disc popping out like a burst appendix

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His missus is in a dangerous agegroup


Phase 1 trials of a vaccine starting today in Seattle.