The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I thought the same about Brian Lenihan.

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Well his answers around exactly how many kits we have didn’t exactly inspire confidence and as a journalist I think she was entitled to go after him on it.

Dr Tony is the only one of them that should be allowed talk.

They’ve done well the past week or so but they initially completely bottled it over Cheltenham and everyone entering the country should have been made to self-isolate from about 3 weeks ago. They still haven’t even done that. And they still haven’t even told all old people to self-isolate.

Edit: and the Irish Vintners had to take the initial decision to close down the pubs because the government bottled that as well.

No, on balance they’ve done quite poorly, they just look good in comparison to the Brits, who are probably the worst in the world.


I think they’re doing well too and I’ve never voted for FG.

I’ve noticed Micheál Martin giving separate media interviews in the past 2-3 days about the urgent need to form a government to deal with this, a FF led government in fact.

He should (literally) be crucified for opportunistically using this global pandemic to further FF’s interests.


They should be doing more and be more definitive on things like Cheltenham.

They need to acknowledge the fact that people are clowns.


I’d agree to an extent.
We seem to have to keep waiting until we reach a certain inevitable stage before we take specific action?

They’ve had a shocker lad… There’s still people pouring into the country… We might as well be all out licking each others’ faces. Just because we’re hearing a lot ftom them, that doesn’t mean they’re doing a sterling job.

They are doing a form of just in time reactive policy. They are responding to events and cases as they happen.

They have to try and balance what is happening with what will happen after.

I think mistakes have certainly been made and we had the opportunity as a small island to absolutely minimize the initial impact of this by being hard and fast. We weren’t. Since those initial mistakes they’ve made good decisions.

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too late, too late, too late. Everything that’s happening is all too late.

That’s fair.

Everything has come from the public IMO.

Actually you’re right lads.

These blueshirt bastards have been a fucking disgrace.

It was absolutely mind boggling that thousands of Italians were allowed enter the country unimpeded a few weeks back, when it was already blindingly obvious a major disaster was unfolding over there.

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I assume at the end of this the ECB are just going to give each country some sort of bailout?

At least its happening.

Imagine how powerless you’d feel if Leo decided to follow the UK’s approach.

If they don’t I’ll be in Ballyhea every Saturday till I die.


Should we be self isolating with the symptoms of a cold?

It’s consistent with the exponential growth theory and that we are inevitably on an Italy/Spain trajectory but given the massive variances in the input/output/behavioral & testing data its a bit like comparing drink driving conviction data in Dubai to a Haely-Rae constituency in West Kerry.

I imagine there’ll be stimulus packages for the hardest hit industries.

We’ll all get cheap holidays

Here’s a little rhyme I made up to help with this sort of quandry;

“Wet is good, dry is bad”.

Do you think that them gobshites will self isolat