The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

But even in the short term?

Can the world economy last much past the end of this month in terms of inactivity?

Is it not a case that we may be forced to open things up again with the virus still raging?

Itā€™s very difficult to get reliable statistics on these things but from what I can make out they are testing on a very large scale. Iā€™ve read 135k over the last two weeks but canā€™t verify that. But looking at the verfiable statistics would seem to bear out that they are doing a good job testing.

Yeah this was a scenario I was sort of envisaging a while back. Iā€™m not sure how much difference it would make though. You can change rules but itā€™s harder to change peopleā€™s behaviour. Well, you can do it when people are petrified, as has happened over the last week, but itā€™s a hell of a lot harder to make people not be petrified. You canā€™t wish that away if thereā€™s still a public health problem.

Itā€™s going to be a total disaster for non-essential businesses and those employed by them.

Thatā€™s why I think the fundamental re-imagining of the world economy has to come sooner rather than later and Iā€™m not sure how that happens. It is doable though - nobody thought what has happened over the last couple of weeks could be done - but world co-operation is essential. That requires adults in positions of power, not children, and currently, we have a lot of children in power around the world.

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Thatā€™s incredible if so.

Saw a good stat somewhere yesterday where it showed the number of tests required to get a positive result.

It showed the uk were gone from 1 in 10 tests to 1 in 2. Itā€™s probably a more worthwhile metric than the raw number of positives





I saw that This Morning (coincidentally enough). He was called out by the other guest, Vanessa Feltz.

Thinly veiled ā€œVirgin Media is not my TV service providerā€.

off licenses in Dublin not open till 4

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Jesus I have an awful hankering for a decent cappuccino. The local petrol station just doesnā€™t cut the mustard.

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Was thinking that today. A bit like the ash cloud in 2010. At what point will governments say ā€œfuck itā€ and open up doors again. Not for a while youā€™d imagine. Depends on herd immunity I suppose.

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Herd immunity is miles off. Like, a year minimum. If it will even exist. And it will only exist if health systems are crashed and a disaster unfolds.

Science is a sectarian issue up north:

I saw that as well, had no idea who he was. Reminded me strongly of the drunk old privileged Brit who rambled incorherently from The Fast Show.

His son reminds me of that. Rowley Birkin QC.

You wouldnā€™t have expected Sweden to be the UKā€™s allies of inaction in this.

Consistency in a world gone mad. I respect that.


Haha, yes !

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