The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Whatā€™s 2% of 5 people?


Peadar was a diamond alright. He looked like a Mexican bandit with the tache and dark complexion.Peadarā€™s brother Brian was a dangerous cunt. I marked him when I was 18 or 19 and he absolutely battered me. In the end I dropped the hurl and gave him a dig and he promptly thumped the head off me.


Heā€™s a good lad, does be on the gaa hour podcast. Was it him who pole axed Paul Curran that time in a very bad stroke?

Yeah. He is on the woolie podcast. Its his brother Peadar who nearly killed Paul Curran.

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Counter productive means that doing something will achieve the opposite result to what you want.

I think thatā€™s a good description of the UKā€™s strategy so far and certainly a good description of the USā€™s strategy in not testing many people.

Iā€™m not sure how it applies to what I said. Iā€™m merely saying what I see - that Germany is getting closer to the real truth of their problem via extensive testing than the UK is.

I think itā€™s a lot better to know the real extent of the problem than to not know.

Incidentally the UK are literally guessing - hence the figure of 10k cases that Patrick Vallance threw out the other day.

Based on similar maths and anecdotal application to account for the variables Iā€™m going with 290(67 new cases).

Do we have a Corona-Poll :mask:

This crisis shows the importance of trust in politics on an everyday level.

Iā€™m not a fan of our government, but Iā€™d largely trust them on the real major things. Iā€™d trust that they arenā€™t outright liars on things that really matter. Iā€™d trust that they are genuinely well intentioned in a crisis like this - though they have certainly made mistakes.

The reason Irish society is holding together reasonably well so far in this crisis is that most people think the same in their heart of hearts, whether they support Fine Gael or not.

In the US and UK, no such trust exists, because the leaders and ruling parties of those countries have deliberately abolished the concept of truth.

So why on earth should anybody trust them with anything, especially dealing with a crisis like this?

This crisis of trust - a crisis of non-existent trust - is a situation Trump, Johnson, the Republicans and the Tories, and Fox News, Breitbart, the Daily Mail, the Sun and the Telegraph have engineered entirely through their own making and their own choice - because they themselves deliberately chose the path of eternal lies.

Thatā€™s why they made a complete bollox of handling this crisis, and why people are right to not trust them one iota on anything - especially this.

They deserve every piece of negative press they get, and they deserve to be brought down and remembered as deadly enemies of ordinary people. That is squarely what they are.

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If we get on top of this in say 6 weeks. Will travel be banned between Ireland and other European countries?

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How long can the world economy survive in this state?

Will there come a point where the virus may continue to rage as the economic impact is so severe so as for ā€˜normalā€™ activity to be required again?

We canā€™t go on like this indefinitely. One thing economies, businesses and markets hate is uncertainty.


Had anyone blamed mass immigration yet ?

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Hot chicks have a graver responsibility than ever to keep us smiling through this, great to see them stepping up to the mark


I zoomed in but canā€™t see any Tesco logos

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It canā€™t. A fundamental re-imagining is needed. That means much more international co-operation, not less.

But those in power throughout many of the major countries of the world right now are the worst possible people to have in charge if you want a fundamental re-imagining of the world economy, because they are kleptocrats.

Thatā€™s why there could well be actual revolutions if this situation prevails for enough time.

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Tesco finest right there

Editor in chief of The Lancet:

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which tesco is that? They dont look like tesco brands.

What about the bread?

Yeah - weird shit. I think someone is telling lies here.

We make it and we take it home.

Whatā€™s the latest stats on German tests? Itā€™s actually getting harder to get them country to country.