The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Italians eat a lot of pizza too.

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This is not a fact. You literally just made it up

Gooks are made for smoking,ive never met one yet that doesnt smoke.

So the more we test the lower the mortality rate? I predict it’ll level out at .4% of those affected. About twice the current flu rate.


Went down to the Chemist there to pick up my prescription. Chemist only letting a couple of people in at a time, have a barrier to stop people getting too close to the counter and the staff are all wearing masks. Needless to say there was some cunt looking for something for “a dry cough” when I was there.

There are literally hundreds of people out and about walking in group, often in wacky green gear. You just can’t help people sometimes.

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Lock it down.

That was my feeling.

I’m just disproving your nonsense hypothesis. Again.
Italians might be disproportionately affected but it has nothing to do with their smoking. Germans, South Koreans, Austrians etc etc smoke more.

If you want a hypothesis then I’d venture two which are closely linked. Death rates will be determined by how competent a countries Government administration is, and how well funded a countries healthcare is.

They’re delaying the inevitable.

This is my view exactly.

I am going for a drive shortly just to see the lie of the land and end the boredom of being house bound

Italy are suffering for their world renowned Textiles industry and its massive Chinese workforce. It’s as simple as that.

Didn’t see many large groups when I was out to be honest. I only saw families in 3s or more.

must finish watching this first

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Same, went out for a stroll earlier and more or less never saw more than a family grouping. People were very conscious not to invade personal space. People passing coming the other way all stepped off the path etc to give a wide berth.
I’d say in general people are being very compliant to be honest.
There was one group of 4 young fellas loitering alright, but bar the Government can provide them each with a set of competent parents I don’t see what can be done in law to change their behaviour

You love to see it

Are you actually denying that smoking damages the lungs? This is a disease that aggressively attacks the lungs, those who already have compromised lung functions are far, far more likely to develop serious illness. Just as the same people develop serious illness from the flu or even the common cold.

Is there something in that accountant brain of your that cannot process two or more variables at the same time? Italy is disproportionately affected as (1) for whatever reason, maybe random, the outbreak has largely been among an older demographic. Maybe it’s because of their bocce gatherings, who the fuck knows, (2) people who have diminished lung capacity or compromised lungs from decades of smoking are more likely to develop serious illness and die, and (3) men are more likely to develop serious illness than women.

Now add in all the cultural factors that choco mentioned, the communal eating, hugging and cheek kissing, gatherings, etc. The same by the way is true of China, unless you’re denying a group of people gathered around a table eating shared food is unlikely to spread a virus.

That’s what started the outbreak in that region, undoubtedly.

The chinese do be sitting around sharing the bats willy nilly.

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