The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Iā€™ve the same

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Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream is good if youā€™re near a Pharmacy.

Cheap enough too.

I got a hape of powerwashing done outside today and fixed a gutter that was leaking since before Xmas.Ive a block wall to build but and auld uncle reckons it would be sacrilegious to start a mixer today.Some amount of people out walking on my road the lads few days.


Are you Italian? Thatā€™s the highest risk factor apparently.

Doesnā€™t case lung disease though, it makes symptoms worse.

Advice from someone who knows what theyā€™re talking about, youā€™ll get no likes for that.

Ate what you want and smoke away, any damage thatā€™s done up to now wont be fixed in the next few weeks

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If you made it past the first 5 years live expectancy in Victorian london was higher than today.

What the article fails to mention is that the HSE are poaching staff from the nursing homes with more lucrative contracts and the nursing homes can no longer ā€œimportā€ staff from countries like the Philippians.

Iā€™m putting my mercenary pursuit of likes to the one side for the greater good of the forum, and humanity


Lots of guards around the city centre congregating in groups having the chats.

Arenā€™t we all Italians?

Small bitta halo wouldnā€™t go astray

Time to get ahead of the impending economic doom

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Jesus faganā€¦ Marking peadar carton,Tommy mckeon in Hurlingā€¦in football detailed to rough up bealin who played for a volatile Kevinā€™s outfitā€¦ Sounds like you definitely had a certain style . :eyes:


No mate, thankfully.

What the fucking fuck is this

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Thatā€™s enough to make any one want to die.



It was only a matter of time before the misogynist crew made an appearance.